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Shower Mashaver

For when you're between girlfriends...and want to go to the beach.
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There is little on the male body which is more repulsive to women (provided you shower on a regular basis) than back hair. But back hair presents quite the catch-22: if you have it, you're going to have trouble attracting a woman, but the only way to really get rid of it is to have a girlfriend in the first place to shave it.

By combining a shower-head massager with an electric shaver, a baby-smooth back is only a lathery rinse away! There's no cleanup, as all of your unsightly hair is washed down the drain and into the oceans of the world.

(Plus, if you don't tell your girlfriend you've had it installed, she too can have that baby-smooth look you've been hoping for. [wink, wink])

Overpanic, Nov 01 2003

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       //but the only way to really get rid of it is to have a girlfriend in the first place to shave it.//   

       No it ain't. My beautician said that a third of her clients are men getting back waxes.   

       //There is little on the male body which is more repulsive to women (provided you shower on a regular basis) than back hair. //   

       Back hair stubble
Helium, Nov 01 2003

       [Helium] I have to agree with you about the waxing, except that what I am emphasizing here is a method for back hair removal which doesn't involve a second party. Not to mention, Ouch!!   

       As for the stubble, what if instead of a shaver, the shower head functioned more like an Epilady?
Overpanic, Nov 01 2003

       Can't you reach your back with a razor anyway?
Helium, Nov 01 2003

       I can reach my crack with a razor too...that doesn't mean I want to go blindly poking around where I can't see anything. Besides, I'd probably end up missing that spot right by the shoulderblades, that even with a razor is difficult to reach.
Overpanic, Nov 01 2003

       Ewwww...I don't want to take part in this conversation anymore.
Helium, Nov 01 2003

       See? That's why this product is necessary.
Overpanic, Nov 01 2003

       ha! whats the problem with hairy backs? hairy men keep you warm in winter. smell better than gorillas, usually, too.
po, Nov 01 2003

       I wonder who aka is also known as?
po, Nov 02 2003

       "The other white meat"?
Tiger Lily, Nov 02 2003

       No, the other other one...
Tiger Lily, Nov 02 2003

       // I'd probably end up missing that spot right by the shoulderblades//

wow - a shoulderblade mohican - an interesting addendum to the (principally male) hair options

//but the only way to really get rid of it is to have a girlfriend in the first place to shave it.// [overpanic] - you're not panicing enough, I fear.
neilp, Nov 02 2003

       It would definitely make me the first, and last, of the mohicans (sorry, i couldn't resist).
Overpanic, Nov 02 2003

       <note to self> move [Overpanic] to bottom of list <nts>

but nice choice of category
lintkeeper2, Nov 03 2003

       My beautician said that a third of her clients are men getting back waxes - Helium
...agree with you about the waxing - Overpanic
Leave me outta this.

Seems to me Razor Tiles would be a bloody good idea. In fact...
thumbwax, Nov 03 2003

       Good? no, but bloody - yes.
k_sra, Nov 03 2003

       Probably easiest to spray "Nair" out of the showerhead...
TerranFury, Mar 02 2004


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