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Seaside Trailer Park for Amphibious Mobile Homes

Mobile Homes Moved by Sea, to Live on Land
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Trailer parks would be set up at various seaside locations, to accommodate trailer homes which would enter/exit the parks from the sea. Whereas marinas cater to boats which are moored to their docks, the trailer parks would cater to mobile homes. These would be floating mobile homes which would also have an amphibious capability to move onshore from the water, and vice-versa. The trailer parks would provide lots for rent, including hookups for utilities, as is the case for traditional trailer parks. The result would be to create an alternative to the houseboat lifestyle, whereby mobility is still achieved via the sea, but actual stationary/sedentary living is done on land. Transfer from sea to land and vice-versa would occur via a large concrete ramp. A special amphibious trailer would be maneuvered into position underneath the floating mobile home and attached, to then carry it onto the land and over to its assigned lot. Once maneuvered into the lot, the mobile home would be jacked up to allow the trailer to be removed for re-use. Likewise, the inverse procedure would be done when a mobile home is to depart from the trailer park. A transfer fee would be charged by the park for each transfer activity. Alternatively, some floating mobile homes would be equipped with their own wheels (motorized/unmotorized) for amphibious transfer.

Mobile homes are otherwise very expensive to transport by roadway, often limiting their range of transport, and the scheduling of their transit.

sanman, Nov 25 2020

Camper Boats https://www.youtube...watch?v=gEwTgXlMlyw
Amphibious Campers [sanman, Nov 25 2020]

Floating_20Your_20Mobile_20Home [hippo, Nov 25 2020]

Houseboat Lifestyle https://www.youtube...watch?v=yMKJR5n4gLw
Lifestyle of Houseboaters [sanman, Nov 25 2020]

Dutton http://www.timdutton.com/
Ideal towing vehicle [pocmloc, Nov 25 2020]

Boat Lift https://www.youtube...watch?v=lfy9ePyU_1g
Lift to Carry Boats Ashore [sanman, Nov 25 2020]

Amphibious Driving Houseboat https://www.youtube...watch?v=LBuK0xrsoc4
[sanman, Nov 25 2020]

Boaterhome https://www.youtube...watch?v=TkrLQeyWBMs
[sanman, Nov 25 2020]

Hammond's Dampervan was first... https://www.youtube...watch?v=WTVPPTV-bQM
[bs0u0155, Nov 25 2020]

Trailer Tow Onto Land https://www.youtube...watch?v=oXGD0VkXghE
[sanman, Nov 26 2020]

The Shore Ships of Sundai http://www.cargolaw...e_sendai_ships.html
Dramatic [8th of 7, Nov 26 2020]

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       keep reading that as ambitious mobile homes
theircompetitor, Nov 25 2020

       Well, they are ambitious in a way - they do represent a sort of dream life
sanman, Nov 25 2020

       Any vehicle can be amphibious, briefly
hippo, Nov 25 2020

       I quite like the idea of a bay full of caravans all bobbing around in the waves as the terrified owners stare out from behind their lace curtains. In Devon (or it might be in Cornwall), they call the yearly summer invasion of caravans the emet boxes, emets being a colloquial expression for ants.
xenzag, Nov 25 2020

       // colloquial expression for ants //   

       They're not all Londoners though, shirley ?
8th of 7, Nov 25 2020

       Amphibious cars are baked; some have been custom converted into camper vans (see link). Amphibious caravans are baked as shown on the youtube linked. Lakeside, riverside and beachside campsites with slipways, hardstandings and electric hookups are baked.
pocmloc, Nov 25 2020

       Those links are relatively recent. Richard Hammond's Dampervan <link> was way ahead.
bs0u0155, Nov 25 2020

       [pocmloc] What's not baked in is the idea of combining the seaside trailer parks as stopover points, as part of the overall package. By their very nature, these trailer parks would not be rundown trash-holes, but would be upscale and all- weather alternatives to marinas. Lots could be available on monthly rental basis, or as multi-month term lease, or could even be done as timeshares. People could then travel all over the coasts, down to Baha, or along the inland rivers, etc. These parks could each offer their own special amenities and attractions to lure boatsteaders. The competition for vacationer/retiree dollars could promote infrastructure development around these parks, with malls and shopping districts growing around them. Boatsteading parks could provide a more liquid/elastic type of real-estate market.
sanman, Nov 26 2020

       //Any vehicle can be amphibious, briefly//   


       That works both ways ... <link>
8th of 7, Nov 26 2020

       Does this include rugous or squamous, just asking.
not_morrison_rm, Nov 27 2020

       One wonders what an amphibious mobile home trailer park would do to the local seaside property values. Could go either way.   

       Strange that big boats with sleeping quarters use some of the same sort of domestic appliance / kitchenette architecture as mobile homes, yet somehow they indicate different demographics.   

       "So after I pull the outboard off of mah house, I'm goin' over to Billybob's to help him pull the wheels off of his."
RayfordSteele, Nov 28 2020

       //Baha// sp. Bwahaha
lurch, Nov 28 2020


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