The internet suffers from a collective action problem that
accelerate the web to low quality.
Search engines need to raise money to pay the expense of
all their servers so they place adverts on terms. The
placement is not always beneficial to the user.
Creators such as bloggers and news websites
information websites need to earn money to keep the
website running and to fund time for creating.
They place adverts too to pay for their costs.
So what does a utopia look similar to?
I believe creators should be paid a market going rate for
their creations.
I believe searchers should be paid for their attention or time
used looking at advertiser's creations.
I believe users should be capable of commissioning
creations ala Patreon.
I propose people start a profile that is accurate and allows
them to be targeted to what they want.
Search traffic is public information, not only kept private by
the search engines.
People can comment on the results of the queries as a
whole and on individual results. This is an idea in its own
right. Annotated search results. People can vote on
changes to the ranking of results.
People can leave reviews of creations and advertisements.
People pay an amount to cover the costs of the creations.
The price of users attention is similar to the pay for
impression or pay for click rate and is market defined.
Someone could set their price too high for them to see any
You could also have a system of affiliate marketing where
the person who referred you receives a reward for referring
you somewhere.