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Saw Tooth Spaghetti

non-slip linear pasta
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The trouble with Spaghetti is that no matter how well you wind it around your fork, it can still slip off or release a long dangling end just before you get it into your hungry mouth.

This is easily solved by adding rows of pasta saw teeth along the lengths of spaghetti. As these are made from pasta, they are totally smooth to the tongue, but still provide enough grip to ensure that the lengths entangle with each other more thoroughly and don't slip away so readily.

xenzag, Mar 24 2018

Saw-toothed like this? https://crossoutdoo...EAQYBCABEgKqUvD_BwE
The surface of a spaghetti noodle is smooth. What if it was gritty? [Vernon, Mar 25 2018]

Busiate Trapanesi http://www.siciliaf...eparare-le-busiate/
A coiled approach, made by wrapping the pasta around the stem of the busa weed. [zen_tom, Mar 25 2018]

Mafaldine https://www.the-pas...-mafalda-reginette/
This stuff is nice too, as is Tripoline (not sure if it's so-named because it might be mistaken for tripe) [zen_tom, Mar 25 2018]

Spaghetti alla chitarra http://pastaliguori...ca-per-palati-fini/
Rotate those sawtooths - better handling, better mouthfeel. Far better then round. [mylodon, Mar 28 2018]

Continuous_20Pizza_20Oven [hippo, Apr 07 2021]

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       Hmm. You may be cooking your pasta a little too al dente. That will tend to make it uncoil spontaneously.
MaxwellBuchanan, Mar 24 2018

       Ravioli pasta squares & just stab em with a fork?   

       Nice idea though.
Skewed, Mar 24 2018

       Maybe a gordion knot spaghetti would work?
RayfordSteele, Mar 24 2018

       Bun for the zippy sound you would get as you sucked a strand into your mouth.
Whistlebritches, Mar 25 2018

       What you need is infinitely long spaghetti, and an infinitely long fork to eat it with.   

       This way, neither of them has any unfortunate ends to cause the problem you describe.
Wrongfellow, Mar 28 2018

       // What you need is infinitely long spaghetti, //   

8th of 7, Mar 28 2018

       You might think it has enough jagged edges, but Emeril will still want to kick it up another notch.   

       Perhaps your problem lies in your choice of tools, not your choice of pasta. In a pinch, I have found that spaghetti tongs work surprisingly well for eating as well as serving.   

       In lieu of tongs, you might try one of the many motorized spaghetti twirling forks you can find on the web. With these, you do need to exercise caution, however, to avoid becoming tongue-tied.
Canuck, Mar 29 2018

       Shertainly, what's needed is hand-tied spaghetti, each strand lovingly crafted into a Turks-head knot?
MaxwellBuchanan, Mar 30 2018

       Möbius strip linguini - “The flavour never ends!”
AusCan531, Mar 30 2018

       Left-handed spaghetti should cling tighter to a normal right-handed fork.
pocmloc, Apr 07 2021

       I noticed the new pasta. I'll expect the royalties to start any day now.
xenzag, Apr 07 2021

       //What you need is infinitely long spaghetti//

I'd like this, more as a piece of performance art than as something practical. At one end the viewer sees a field of wheat, with someone wielding a scythe, cutting down the ripe wheat stems. There then follow the steps to prepare the wheat for grinding and the grinding process itself with flour coming down a chute from this process to a mixer which adds water and extrudes a single continuous, slowly-moving strand of spaghetti. This strand of spaghetti passes through a long trough of salted boiling water (the length being such that the slowly moving spaghetti takes the required 9 minutes to pass through it), and then a shorter trough of tomato sauce. Finally, flailing robot arms grate a tiny amount of parmesan onto the strand before it enters your mouth. This artwork is arranged such that the viewer can see that the strand of spaghetti being sucked into your mouth is still joined to the ball of dough being mixed at the other end.
hippo, Apr 07 2021

       All continuous process are interesting. A sheep being sheared then the wool spun into a strand that makes its way into a knitting machine, which produces woollen waistcoats for cold sheep to wear, would be one of my offerings.
xenzag, Apr 07 2021

       Ah, this just reminded me of something (see link)
hippo, Apr 07 2021

       hippo, don't stop there. Show it in the stomach, the digestive tracts, the intestines, out the butt and onto its way to the water treatment plant, turned into sewage sludge and compost, and then spread over the fields.
RayfordSteele, Apr 07 2021

       There was an extruded strudel on here a long time ago that was pretty good. Can't find it though. Exstrudel perhaps.
pocmloc, Apr 07 2021

       [Rayf] Yes - it should be a circular thing, shouldn't it? - with the sewage being turned into fertiliser which nourishes the wheat which is then turned into pasta, etc.
hippo, Apr 07 2021

       Thanks for posting that link. I have a large number of ideas re pasta, only a few of which I have posted on the HB. It's a much favoured material for me.
xenzag, May 06 2021

       Post your ideas!   

       I know I should, it keeps the wonderful place going.
beanangel, May 06 2021


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