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Rubber Band Man Breakdance Adjustable Note Bands

Unit attaches to your chest with 4 rubber bands going to wrists and ankles.
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Standing in an X configuration with arms up and legs apart they're at maximum tension. They are vibrated by transducers and the pitch is changed by changing the tension. The sound of these would be similar to an upright bass.

You'd play these 4 different notes by performing various break dance moves to change the relative tensions, moving your hands or feet towards the center of the body, lowers the notes, pushing away from the center of the body raises the notes.

You'd break dance to play music like the last guy in the linked video. It's basically the breakdance trombone idea that would actually work.

I think you'd have buttons that you'd press with your hands that activated the bands individually as well.

doctorremulac3, Sep 24 2024

Skip to the last guy to see how this would look. https://www.youtube...watch?v=OLhqiWYWISg
:40 [doctorremulac3, Sep 24 2024]


       Picturing someone breakdancing to what would sound like junkyard scrap banjo music. If Fat Albert were more of a thing during breakdancing's prime...   

       Edit... wait. You want his limbs to make noise under vibration??? That's not really a thing. Vibrating a bag of water isn't that productive or resonant.
RayfordSteele, Sep 24 2024

       I'd click on a video of that.
doctorremulac3, Sep 24 2024

       So... you want to turn dance into music?   

       Yea, pretty much.
doctorremulac3, Sep 25 2024

       Alrightythen. We need different body suit instruments.   

       The bagpipe-suit will be interesting.   

       I'd bun that.
doctorremulac3, Sep 25 2024

       I've noticed that when I annotate an idea it seems to drop like a stone from the front page.   

       I'm not sure why, but it bears exploration.   

       Stay tuned...   


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