In this new digital era of email and mobile phones, Royal Mail has been suffering. Their solution was to announce that they are going to provide a lesser service.
Now this might save them money in the short-term, but it really isn't a solution.
Like record companies, who are now having to re-assess
how they sell music in order to adapt to the new era, Royal Mail must re-assess it's service to determine how best to work with, not against the email phenomena.
The problem they face is that email is so very convenient for the sender, who can now send electronic mail without leaving the comfort of their own home.
However, in RM's favour, receiving a new email will never have the same magical feeling as receiving a 'propper letter' through your door in the morning.
The solution would, therefore, need to combine electronic convenience for the sender, and real mail for the receiver.
So, email your letters to the Royal Mail. They will print them out, pop them in an envelope and hand deliver it your Mum (or whoever it's adressed to).
The service will be free, as with normal email, but will be funded through advertising on the RM website and email service, which, with this new service will be the most popular email provider available.