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Richter Scale Equipped Washing Machine

Alarms when off center loads during spin cycle reach magnitude 8 or above.
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Started as a joke, actually not a bad idea. Makes me thing it's actually probably been thought of.
doctorremulac3, Sep 23 2024


       I got a new washer that "senses." I borked the lid. switch so I. could watch how well the new Impeller - rather than agitator - worked. Not that great by comparison with my 25-year old junker. BUT the centering for the 800rpm spin cycle was amazing. It centered perfectly and the clothes come out almost dry, but not, unfortunately, as clean as the old washer.   

       When the old one got going at a gallop you had to shut down and distribute the load as evenly as you could. I'm not sure about the trade-off.
minoradjustments, Sep 24 2024


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