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Redesigned CDs

Make CDs more like computer disks
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I hate jewel cases. I hate having to open my CD drive to insert a CD. Solution? Put the music CDs in a hard cover like the little 3 inch disks that we pop in and out of the computer with ease. I have to add "this is possible under existing technology". Truly, someone must at least tell me why these CDs can't be suspended in their own hard cases and read like the smaller disks. It would solve an abundance of storage problems also as they could be kept in the same manner that we keep the smaller disks. No more CD note books where each CD is kept in it's own plastic sleeve. No more bulky units to store CDs in their jewel cases. No more worrying about "touching" or "handling" the CD properly.
Susen, Mar 13 2001

(?) Origami "Jewel" Case http://web.merrimack.edu/~thull/cd.gif
At least it gets around jewel case hatred. [centauri, Mar 13 2001, last modified Oct 17 2004]

How a CD works http://www.howstuffworks.com/cd1.htm
From 'How Stuff Works'. LittleBit is right... [StarChaser, Mar 13 2001, last modified Oct 17 2004]

(?) cd labeler https://www.nationalbarcode.com
cd labeler seller [coke, Feb 22 2008]

CD Caddy http://myoldmac.net/SELL/mac-CD300e.htm"
What you crave? [ericscottf, Feb 22 2008]

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       Some old CD-ROM drives use a carrier that looks like the bastard child of a jewel box and a floppy case. You put the CD-ROM in the carrier and stick the carrier in the drive's slot. But they're the same thickness as jewel boxes, so they don't really solve your storage problem. I think making them much thinner would be a real problem.
td, Mar 13 2001

       Mini-discs are exactly what you describe, but the format failed to catch on for pre-recorded music. They are very handy if you make recordings yourself.
blahginger, Mar 14 2001

       There are CD drives that have no trays and merely inject/eject the discs through a little slit. Myself, I don't trust 'em, but they would alleviate the minor stress this problem seems to be putting on you. Thing is, I think they have to come with your computer, I don't know if you can buy them to install yourself.   

       PS. People often say "insert the CD" but they also say "eject the CD." Shouldn't they say "insert/desert," or "inject/eject/reject"? I think that - whoops, late for my PA meeting.
centauri, Mar 26 2001

       CDs supposedly store information on one side only. So why not make a CD that can be folded over to protect its delicate parts. Then the storage medium and the packet are the same thing... which is highly aesthetically pleasing even if the CD is not.
lubbit, Mar 26 2001

       hey, centauri! bring up that whole "disc" vs "disk" thing while you're at that meeting, ok?
absterge, Mar 26 2001

       lubbit: The underside of the CD (the side you would put face down in a CD player) is, in fact, not the side of the disc which contains the data. The data is actually stored on the underside of the label, and the plastic disk (disk with a 'k' inplying thin, cylindrical object) merely acts as a protector for the label. Don't believe me? Peel off the label. I'm not sure if I entirely understood what you meant by "foldered over to protect it's delicate parts", but the "delicate" parts are already protected.
LittleBitONothing, Mar 26 2001

       Uh...no. The data is on a thin film of aluminum <the shiny silver part> on the bottom of the disk. <I don't care whether it's disk or disc; 'disc' looks dumb, crying out for a prosthetic 'o'.> The plain disk is clear plastic, with the label on one side, and the aluminum on the other. Then the data side is coated with plastic to protect it some.
StarChaser, Mar 26 2001

       Starchaser: yes and no. The data is stored on aluminum, and it is seperate from the label on *most* CDs. But regardless, both it and the label rest on the same side of the disk as the plastic. The laser, when reading information, will shoot through the plastic to the aluminum. It was a slip when I said that the data was stored on the underside of the label, I merely ment the two components shared the same side of the plastic. If you still are skeptic, take a knife to an old CD and find which side of the cd you can scratch the aluminum off from.
LittleBitONothing, Mar 27 2001

       all of which is irrelevant to the performance issue, as any damage that makes the plastic substrate opaque or prismatized will destroy the read capacity of the disc.   

       ...ok, not irrelevant, as you can buff out bottom surface damage without effacing data-carrying structure.
djymm, Mar 27 2001

       and indeed, you will find such a CD buffer in any used CD store.
LittleBitONothing, Mar 27 2001

       Disc is the British spelling. Disk is American. I don't know about other English speaking countries. A floppy disk is 'disk' in England, as the word is an abb. of 'diskette', which is spelt with a 'k' :-)
daneel, Mar 27 2001

       LittleBitONothing: I apologize, you're right. I'd have sworn it was the other way around, the label on one side and the data on the other...
StarChaser, Mar 28 2001

       yeah, tell me about it... imagine the look on my face when I witlessly destroyed a cd cause I didn't like the label :)
LittleBitONothing, Mar 28 2001

       I always heard that disc means optical and disk means magnetic.
Do a search for CD caddy. This was a way to get cd roms from 1x to like 5x back in the early 90s. Don't ask me why a special case was needed to spin faster, i didn't build the things.
ericscottf, Feb 22 2008


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