Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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Ransom Cut 'n' Paster

KIdNAppER style, um, sheets
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Insert Newspaper and/or Magazine into slot/s.

Computer scans Newspaper/Magazine for whole-word (first dibs) matches, (shotgun) sequences and (third) random, individual letters to create document output to match text input from word processing program on computer.

Cutter/Paster *literally* cuts 'n' pastes letters or words on hardly-used (you *know* you were gonna throw it away) paper in what, to the untrained eye, appears to be a haphazard fashion, resulting in a document which makes use of throwaway materials and increases use of tasty paste.

Use on resumés at your own peril.

thumbwax, Apr 18 2003

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       tHINk UP Your OWn GoDdAmN IDeaS WAx   

       we KNOW whO YOu R & wERE U BE   


       po WHoops
po, Apr 18 2003

       do you think that my autoboner (or 3) is the same as yours, thumb? - send the boys round.
po, Apr 18 2003

       But if the machine does it all for you, how are you gonna get to eat any of that tasty paste?
Cedar Park, Apr 18 2003


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