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Radial HCCI/LTC Engine

Clean and Efficient Radial HCCI/LTC Engine
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This submission summarizes an engine that reduces emissions of lawn tools, off-road vehicles, scooters, generators, range extenders, and light aircraft collectively responsible for millions of tons of annual emissions.

The engine is designed for full time operation of Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI) in the Low Temperature Combustion (LTC) regime for improved efficiency and reduced emissions when fueled by canola oil, (bio)diesel or JP-8. The key design decisions and features are listed below:

• Radial configuration eliminates cold end cylinders, reduces temperature variance • Plethora of small bore pistons tolerate extreme loads of explosive combustion • Variable compression for stable ignition delay over load and temperature • Cam drive allows rapid compression with pause at peak for chemical kinetics • Opposed pistons reduce combustion chamber surface area and heat loss • Two stroke operation for large port area in small bores • Separately timed scavenge pump moves air at low pressure • Rotor facilitates later incorporation of an integral motor/generator • Centrifugal force recovers oil leaving ports (issue in opposed-piston two-strokes) • Highly polished steel cams and followers with Diamond Like Coating • Radial with opposing cylinders yield harmonic balance of complex forces • Six cylinder sets, four cycles per rotation, 24 power strokes per revolution • Cams enable four power strokes per revolution yielding a 4:1 reduction gear • Centrifugal force replaces discrete pumps for fuel, oil, and coolant. • Cam driven fuel injectors eliminate single point failures in fuel system • Only a simple two-way exhaust catalyst required (no soot filter or NOx adsorber) • Cam radius, contact area, and surface speed increase with engine displacement • Excess compression for cold start allows sustained performance at altitude

An affordable 9.2 cc prototype is planned to demonstrate performance. Math model predictions summarized in the figures compare favorably to a Honda 50 cc engine. The performance shown is associated with operation at sea level, compression ratio of 29:1, 10 bar BMEP, peak combustion pressure of 220 bar (preventing ignition of lubricating oil), and peak combustion temperature of 2150K (inhibiting NOx production).

The engine concept and design are complex and subtle, yet the accompanying video shows the mechanical apparatus and its operation to be simple and elegant. The manufacturing cost is expected to be low due to high reuse of comparatively few unique components.

2 Patents Allowed, 3rd is pending.

Learn more by viewing my Create The Future Contest entry at https://bit.ly/3pSVlBu . Please like my entry or, better yet, register and vote for it !

RodRico, Jun 14 2021

[Rotary]'s Rotary engine idea Perfect_20Engine_20...omotive_20X_20PRIZE
// Better crack the enigmatic assembly of this idea fast before the bionic Sphinx is brought from her half-life! // [sninctown, Jun 14 2021]

US 10,590,845 https://patents.goo...ent/US10590845B1/en
RodRico's patent [xaviergisz, Jun 15 2021]

US 2017/0328277 https://patents.goo.../US20170328277A1/en
cited by the US examiner during the examination of RodRico's patent [xaviergisz, Jun 15 2021]


       Welcome to the halfbakery, [RodRico]!   

       It looks like the linear motion of the piston is converted to rotary motion using a cam mechanism. How is this cam lubricated?   

       This reminds me of [rotary]'s rotary-engine concept many years ago. I hope [rotary] is ok these days.   

       I have an idea for a new genre of romance novel. The Engine Romance. It would be like a romance novel except the only character is an engine and the plot is describing how the engine works.
sninctown, Jun 14 2021

       I like that genre idea, [sninctown]. I've sometimes thought about writing a variation on that, where the plot is the process of solving an interesting technical problem, but with teasing references to some human interest things happening in the background, but handled in such a way as to make clear that they're really not what's important in this story. The "unreliable narrator" would keep forgetting other characters' names (and maybe sometimes their own), but would be absolutely reliable on all technical details.   

       Meanwhile, welcome to the bakery, [RodRico]. The fact that you already have two patents allowed brings some immediate kudos. I'm not qualified to comment on this particular idea, but I'll await with interest what [RayfordSteele] has to say.
pertinax, Jun 14 2021

       [sninctown] The centrifugal oil pump and rotary motion flings oil onto the cams. There are holes in the lightly loaded regions where the cams slide forcing excess oil back into the oil loop. An easily overlook feature of the architecture is the speed at which the cams are operating. Even in the smallest feasible engine (9.2 cc), the path length of the outer cam profile is about a foot, so its effective diameter is almost 4 inches, larger than a V-8 journal bearing with proportionally larger surface speed. Thus the cam is in the hydrodynamic lubrication regime from below idle to max RPM.   

       I'm not familiar with [Rotary]'s engine, but mine bears resemblance to that shown in US patent 593,078 from 1897 as well as the Michel cam engine of 1921 shown in patent 1,603,969. Mine differs from prior art in being opposed piston with a third piston dedicated to the role of air pump so it can be precisely timed to pump only when needed (thus reducing pumping loss). It also, of course, reflects modern understanding of HCCI and LTC that were unknown at the time of relevant prior art.
RodRico, Jun 14 2021

       [pertinax] the book you describe sounds a lot like one of my all time favorites, "The Soul of a New Machine" by Tracy Kidder. It describes the development of the Data General Eclipse computer and mixes technology and drama so well it earned a Pulitzer Prize for non-fiction.
RodRico, Jun 14 2021

       Breaking news... My design was just accepted as an entry in the Create the Future Contest. You can see it at https://bit.ly/3pSVlBu . Please "like" it or better yet, register and vote for it !
RodRico, Jun 14 2021

       //the promise of Da Vinci Code//   

       Perhaps but, if so, it was a promise most outrageously broken; I did say //reliable on all technical details//.
pertinax, Jun 15 2021

       //an engine that reduces emissions of lawn tools, off- road vehicles, scooters, generators, range extenders, and light aircraft//   

       Hmm. There is a range of engines you're covering, and they all have good reasons for being used in the respective applications. I suspect it's educational to work through them.   

       Lawn tools, there's a couple of engines that are common, small 2 strokes for strimmers and the like, and the ubiquitous Briggs & Stratton 4-stroke lawnmower engine. The main driver here is cost. Can you get a version of your engine down to ~$100 WITH profit? I doubt it. Your component count is off the scale, and I suspect the production will require much better tolerances, which are expensive. The best way to improve lawn tools is to go electric, which is happening.   

       off-road vehicles/scooters: Again a few types, but lets go with a 125cc 2 stroke dirt bike. 40hp, ~20kg, can you do that? No way. You need much more material to operate at the compression ratios you need, meaning much heavier. You can't operate at the high revs of spark ignition meaning you need more displacement. Then there's the packaging & handling consequences of a massive spinning engine block in the middle of the bike.   

       generators: Again, cost is the driver for small generators, and you're up against established designs that can be had for a few hundred $. What level of efficiency improvement will you get over a conventional diesel?   

       Light aircraft: We already know how to improve these engines. A good start would be modern ignition, EFI and a turbocharger to offset altitude. All straight out of any old conventional car. We don't do that because the barrier to entry here is the levels of certification required in the aviation world. It's over the top, most agree, essentially safer modern engines aren't allowed because of safety. But that's the way it is, and it's the same for your engine. Plus, big spinning masses again. Not ideal.   

       How do your sliding friction numbers add up? A single cylinder engine is 2 piston rings, both ends of the con rod, crank bearings, cam bearings and 2 cam followers. As far as I can tell you're at least 6x this, and with smaller everything you're looking at much greater sliding surface area Vs combustion chamber size.   

       Also, how are you metering your fuel accurately? Cam driven injectors is 1930's tech, and extremely fiddly. If you cam/follower interaction is off (and if it isn't, it will wear it's way there requiring lash adjustment) then you loose the sort of super-tight control that you need for good emissions. The piezoelectric fuel injector is a much better choice, wide range and on-the-fly adjustment on each cylinder according to conditions.
bs0u0155, Jun 16 2021

       No idea about your design specifically, but HCCI engines would tend to be heavier (so light aircraft is probably out, unless you're going to save HCCI for cruise)   

       Other than that, I don't think HCCI has been developed for small constant-speed engines (even though it seems obvious in retrospect) : good idea.
FlyingToaster, Jun 16 2021

       bs0u0155, your barrage of comments is difficult to respond to in its entirety, so I'll pick out the major points and go from there.   

       1) Yes, my engine with be more costly and heavy than a two-stroke. If the world were OK with high emissions and low efficiency, two-strokes would rule the world and my engine wouldn't stand a chance. My analysis indicates I'm should be competitive with commercial Honda 50 cc engines in terms of power density in both weight and volume. I will certainly be more costly, but the high internal reuse of common components takes me down the cost learning curve quickly, so the engine shouldn't be as costly as it may appear at first glance. I do worry about assembly labor, however.   

       2) Lawn tools *should* be going electric, and those who do their own yard work have mostly made the transition. When I watch lawn contractors, however, I see only gasoline engines. Perhaps they're reluctant to plug into customer outlets or don't want the risk of not finding a working outdoor outlet? I don't know, but I see nothing but gasoline engines.   

       3) Sliding friction is certainly a concern, but it's driven by many factors (speed, contact area, surface finish and lubrication) and can't be judged by simply counting parts.   

       4) Fuel metering. I think you're assuming unit injectors with variable volume pumps. I didn't go that route precisely because of the issues you raise. I use one cam to pump over twice the fuel I need under the needle then use a second cam to release the pressure in order to modify the inject duration. This is a somewhat binary process that doesn't depend on cam lash. I use hard strong materials for the cams and don't expect them to wear significantly more or less across cylinders. I monitor AFR via exhaust analysis and modify injection duration accordingly, so uniform aging of cam surfaces is removed. The piezo injector is certainly a better choice for in-line and V cylinder arrangements. It's not so good in a radial configuration like mine that offers other opportunities.
RodRico, Jul 25 2021

       \\If the world were OK with high emissions and low efficiency,\\   

       Welcome to the world!
pocmloc, Jul 25 2021

       I'm bunning this for myriad reasons, but the only realistic way to reduce emissions in the real world is to make motors that are more efficient at a lower cost (including the cost of fuel), all else being equal, such that the market wants them. Furthermore more parts almost always means higher cost and lower efficiency by every measure including by emissions. Not only for the engine itself, but for the mechanisms to build it.   

       Also a video is a terrible way to present text with diagrams.
Voice, Jul 25 2021

       \\ the only realistic way to reduce emissions in the real world is to make motors that are more efficient at a lower cost (including the cost of fuel), all else being equal, such that the market wants them. \\   

       We didn't reduce automotive emissions over the past 50 years because "the market wants" lower emissions, we did it through government regulation. Government continues to push hard on emissions, even going so far as to ban internal combustion altogether.   

       \\ Furthermore more parts almost always means higher cost and lower efficiency by every measure including by emissions. \\   

       More parts usually does mean greater cost, but the magnitude of the cost increase for having more machined parts is strongly correlated to set-up time which is driven by the number of *unique* parts. My engine will be more expensive than a two-stroke. It probably won't be as expensive as a double overhead cam four-stroke with variable valve timing and four valves per cylinder, however.   

       More parts most decidedly does not mean higher emissions. Take out fancy injection systems, variable valve timing, intake air flow and O2 sensors, EGR, air pump, and catalytic converter plus the particulate filter and NOx adsorber in diesels and you'll have a *lot* fewer parts, but much worse emissions.   

       \\ Also a video is a terrible way to present text with diagrams \\   

       Yes, it is. The contest rules limit text to 500 words but allow a 3 minute video, however, so I used the video to add more information. Otherwise, the video would have had only the animation and I would have lost the opportunity to add context.
RodRico, Jul 29 2021


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