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Press-on nails with magnifier

For people whose arms aren't long enough
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Temporary stick-on fingernail extensions. Near the tip there is either a pinhole OR a tiny acrylic lens 1-2mm across and not much thicker than the nail. When you need to read something (e.g. medicine bottle, restaurant menu) you hold your fingertip very close to your eye, as you might use a jeweler's loupe or other magnifying glass.

For some people, a pinhole might provide enough sharpness, others might need a lens. Personally I'd probably prefer a pinhole in the left thumbnail and the equivalent of a +1.0 reading/magnifier in the left. Other people might want a wide range of lens powers, a different one in each fingertip.

Wouldn't be AS good as a jeweler's loupe or reading glasses, but would be convenient to have them always at hand.

a1, May 15 2024

Vaguely related ... Silverwear
[normzone, May 19 2024]

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       // always at hand //   

whatrock, May 15 2024

       Approved - I posted one of best ideas I ever had about nails on Instagram last year. I may bring it here some time.
xenzag, May 15 2024

       You could test this. Grow out your pinkie nail like a coke dealer, and burn a hole through it with a flame-heated paperclip. Saw a guy do that once at an old job site to relieve the swelling after a coworker smashed his thumb with a hammer.
21 Quest, May 15 2024

       [xenzag] - inspired by misuse of a scalpel? Or something about a beard?
a1, May 15 2024

       [21 Quest] - Yes, I tried the pinhole thing once when I smashed a nail - it did relieve the pressure but I lost the nail anyhow. Was kinda interesting to watch it grow back. If only the rest of the body had such good self-repair capabilities.   

       As for my intended use with a fake fingernail - Today I made a mockup with a piece of thin cardboard taped to my thumb. Works surprisingly well. I don't know if I'd personally want to wear fingernail extensions, but some people might and this idea might be marketable.
a1, May 15 2024

       Love this idea. Although I'm not fond of nail extensions, so how about a ring with a magnifier embedded in it that you could slip off and use when necessary? I'd go for that.   

       Oh and by the way, 21Quest... It's not just coke dealers who grow their pinkie nails. Chicken sexers also do, for obvious reasons. They use it to sex day-old baby chickens.   

       Apparently they are a rare breed, (chicken sexers, not coke dealers) but still, if you ever happen to meet someone with a longer than usual pinkie nail, don't just assume they're into drugs....it could be birds and sex! Now that's rock n roll.
Edie, May 16 2024

       // don't just assume they're into drugs....it could be birds and sex! //   

       Why not both?
a1, May 16 2024

       // how about a ring with a magnifier embedded in it that you could slip off //   

       Slipping a ring off (and back on when you're done) is extra action. Holding your finger or thumb close to your eye is simpler. And the nail extensions could be short and not obvious looking. Only needs to be a few millimetres to contain the pinhole or lens with an unobscured view.
a1, May 16 2024

       Chicken what now?
21 Quest, May 16 2024

       [+] OK, but this should really be an addon to a swiss army watch
4and20, May 16 2024

       Doesn't everyone just use their cell-phone camera as a magnifier now? + anyway. Having the magnifier more accessible would be nice.
scad mientist, May 19 2024

       // Doesn't everyone just use their cell-phone camera as a magnifier now //   

       Most of the time, yeah. Just once in a while this would be easier.
a1, May 19 2024


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