Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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Park My Neighbour

Soon to be released as a US version, "Park My Neighbor"
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When I'm reversing, my car has parking aids which beep inside the car, and get faster as I get closer to a potential hazard. They stop me from damaging my car.

However, once I've parked up and walked away, there is nothing to stop someone without a parking aid from reversing into my car an inflicting similar damage (apart from common sense and driving skill, both of which are at a premium where I live).

What if, once my car is parked, the parking sensors continue to work but instead of beeping inside the car, they toot the horn in a similar way, warning drivers of older cars if they get too close to mine.

Fishrat, Oct 11 2011

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       very nice [ratty]
po, Oct 11 2011

       Damn clever. Unless, like some early primitive car alarms, they go off for no reason at all hours.
normzone, Oct 11 2011

       Nice idea, but the alarms would be going off all the time.   

       On my car at least, the parking radar starts beeping when there's maybe a two yards of space, and reaches a continuous beep when the space narrows to maybe 18 inches.   

       Most parking involves getting well within "beeping distance" of the other cars. If you set the alarm to beep only when the other car was really unusually close, I think it might be too late to prevent the majority of parking accidents, which happen when the other driver has forgotten to check one direction.   

       Still, [+]
MaxwellBuchanan, Oct 11 2011

       What if you're parallel-parked, with a decent separation from the other car that also has this feature, and a pedestrian walks through the gap ?   

       What if this happens at night, and both cars bip their horns, waking the whole street ?
8th of 7, Oct 11 2011

       //and a pedestrian walks through the gap ?//   

       It saves the pedestrian from getting hit. Hey, hey, hey, don't go for your fishbone just because of that.
swimswim, Oct 11 2011

       // What if this happens at night, and both cars bip their horns, waking the whole street ? //   

       Sufficient punishment for choosing to live in a heavily- populated area, I'd say.   

       I love this idea, even though I have absolutely no use for it since I have no neighbo(u)rs and drive vehicles so rugged and 'well-used' that I probably wouldn't notice if somebody backed into one of them with a tank.
Alterother, Oct 11 2011

       driven all your neighbours away eh? hah.
po, Oct 11 2011

       Nah, never had any. I live in a place called 'the wilderness'. My closest 'neighbors' are my parents, who live half a mile away on the other side of a river. On this side, nothing for 2.5 mi in either direction.   

       If I did have any neighbors, however, I would do my level best to get rid of them, so in that sense I suppose you've got me pegged.
Alterother, Oct 11 2011

       // I live in a place called 'the wilderness'. //   

       You are a resident of Milton Keynes, and we claim out five dollars.   

       // My closest 'neighbors' are my parents //   

       "Parents" ? You are asking us to belive that you actually know who your Father is ... ?   


       // who live half a mile away on the other side of a river. //   

       ... but who no doubt wish the river was much wider, and that they were even further away ...   

       // On this side, nothing for 2.5 mi in either direction. //   

       Perhaps if you were to be less enthusiastic about your consumption of Real Ale, granary bread, and curried baked-bean omelettes ?   

       And they blame Ozone depletion and Greenhouse gasses on all sorts of other things ...
8th of 7, Oct 11 2011

       // penalty for not crossing at an authorized pedestrian cross-walk or intersection.//   

       Is this a halfbaker speaking? Is this the voice of proud croissant hunter? Is this what the Land of the Home and the Brave of the Free has become? I am saddened.
MaxwellBuchanan, Oct 11 2011

       Here, have a picture of Queen Victoria ...
8th of 7, Oct 11 2011

       Thanks, but I've still got the one she gave me.
MaxwellBuchanan, Oct 11 2011

       //       "Parents" ? You are asking us to belive that you actually know who your Father is ... ?   // etc.   

       Oh, are we sparring again? I must have missed the memo, you filthy Rottenberry-humping git. Go watch some Next Generation re-runs while planning your next ineffectual salvo.   

       // consumption of Real Ale, granary bread, //   

       Sadly, I have Celiac disease and can no longer partake in such delights. Even more unfortunate given that my father, whose identity is indeed confirmed beyond the shadow of a doubt, is a master brewer of award-winning stouts and brown ales. Alas, I must be content with the exceptionally fine ciders you left-driving, snaggle-toothed, monarchy- worshipping descendants of my ancestors' victims produce when you're not obsessing over the very worst of American television (why _do_ Brits love CSI: Mi-hammy so much?).
Alterother, Oct 12 2011


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