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Parchmint Julep Tea

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A paper sack holding water will not burn until the water has evaporated.

Go ahead and check it out, I'll wait...

Even a paper plate full of water laid on the logs of a roaring fire will only burn as fast as the water line descends.
Enter the un-foldable/ disposable/ whadaya-knowsable? paper picnic pack-pot... with portable tri-pod.

Never have to lug a teapot through the woods again!
With just a flick of your wrist or a dip in the nearest creek...
...the collapsed paper-pancake assumes a teapot shape ready to brew one single disposable pot'o'cup'a.

As an added bonus the pourigami pot is completely compostable.


Compost-a-cauldron sold separately.


       I think I was spitting when I read this out loud. Lots of P's.
blissmiss, Jul 04 2015

       Is it true that the paper bag will not burn? It strikes me that there will be a temperature gradient across the paper, from flame-heat on the outside to 100°C (or below) on the water side. So, the outside should char and flake away, leaving a thinner paper, which would have the same gradient across it... etc.   

       Of course, if the paper is porous, then it will be wet through and no part of it should exceed 100°C.
MaxwellBuchanan, Jul 04 2015

       Try reading it as though all of the 'p's are silent [bliss].
: ]

       It is true that a paper bag full of water won't burn, but the paper also needs to be able to withstand turning to mush for long enough to be able to boil the water before bursting.
Something with the strength of an average paper plate, (maybe with a sandwiched wax paper coating), would let you rest a paper pot right in the coals until the spout and handle caught fire as the water level lowers.

       It has something to do with the amount of energy it takes to change the temperature of water even one degree.   

       By the way [MB] I've given it quite a bit of thought and... (if I'm right) then I am honestly sorry about any damage to your pool table and owe you an apology. Sometimes I forget that most of the components of my little experiments are basically disposable garage sale items and I honestly meant no harm, (if I'm wrong about this then please ignore me and carry on as though I haven't just done the ten toe tonsil tickle)   

       I'm going to bun this for the sound effect. [+]   

       Also, I suppose that this charring and flaking effect would happen only near the bottom of the pot. If you made the bottom of the pot out of, say, a centimetre thickness of blotting paper, and if you found a nice level ember to stand it on, then I suppose you might super-heat the water that was soaked into the blotch, and thence bring heat to the tea mostly by convection.   

       The structural-engineering challenge would be to enable lifting of the pot afterwards without leaving the blotting paper behind.
pertinax, Jul 05 2015

       //maybe with a sandwiched wax paper coating//   

       I did the experiment, at least partly. A cone of regular (printer) paper, filled with wine (I had no water available), can be held over a flame without charring. However, the paper remains damp through.   

       I think if you had a waxed coating, then the outer part of the paper would remain dry, and would therefore be susceptible to charring.
MaxwellBuchanan, Jul 05 2015

       Perhaps wine wets worse than water? I remember reading an origami book that included instructions for a kettle, with handles - I successfully boiled water in one.
pocmloc, Jul 05 2015

       ^ Really? Cool.   

       It doesn't seem to matter that the outer dry paper gets charred. A thin paper plate boils water just fine and can be lifted from the flames.
Same goes for boiling water in a plastic bottle.
The structural engineering challenge of raising the kettle from the flames is solved by hanging it from a tripod.

       //waxed coating//...   

       80kJ are required to heat 1 cup of water from 20 - 100C. Paraffin wax produces 42kJ/g heat of combustion.
FlyingToaster, Jul 05 2015

       When you boil water in a wax-paper plate, the wax on the outside layer melts quickly. The inner wax does not dissolve until it melts from the water reaching the melting point of the wax.
by incorporating a sandwiched layer no wax will enter the water, and the water will not be able to leak past the wax.

       A sack made of wax side out butchers-paper would work well. The wax can not leak out enough to ignite as long as the water is dissipating the heat and keeping the paper at exactly the boiling temperature for whatever elevation you are at the time.   

       Even egg cartons will only char so far, and can stay in the fire indefinitely if you keep topping up the water.   


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