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Paranoid* Tac Tic Toe

X and O guess who you are.
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That's the paranoia game. But the grid is an arrangement of concepts like a game similar to prisoner's dilemma. Paranoid Tac Tic Toe is actually the famous game tic-tac-toe but you're* playing against someone who in this special edition case watches, interprets your thoughts and actions for your next move and tries to have an effect on them through some kind of action, but you can not see who they are. Or can you? The game is mostly Tics and Tacs, the toe comes in the end.

Hint: Operates using flow chart dynamics.

rcarty, Dec 10 2014

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       This reads like you're trying to imitate the ramblings of a schizophrenic, but somehow can't quite seem to capture that je ne sais quoi. Bun for effort, and better luck next time!
ytk, Dec 11 2014

       It's a version of TTT placed in a paranoid setting, the crosshatch forming a kind of inkblot test but instead of images and associations being divined, the actions of the paranoid player and the ostensible vector for the persecution (i.e. the other player) can determine the nature and extent of the paranoiac's complex by close observation of the actions of the paranoiac. The symmetry of the game manifests itself in the fact that the paranoiac is his or herself trying to use the game and the actions of the opponent to feel out who They are and what They want with him or her. This in turn gives the non-paranoiac more information to aid diagnosis. That the tool might thus reinforce the paranoid delusions of the paranoiac is an unfortunate consequence.
calum, Dec 11 2014

       Not another one!
pocmloc, Dec 11 2014

       Same can be said about mindless regulatory statements. That's all part of TTT. Dialogical* is a key word in this type of analytical* method. Of course the concepts used in the rows and columns will pertain to gamification of discursive regulation which is probably giving away too much. Which leads to the sharp point raised high above that the actual game is one of subject and object, the object having no legitimate subjectivity which is extremely problematic when it crosses into a highly political and militant domain. So the diagnostic game section of this expanding grid would look something like So, Os, oS, os etc. this corresponds to a sign structure of predicted and observed pattern in the breakdown of objects , for example, in inculcating various social orders represented by X. The outcome of that game indicates the progression of a dominat object or a dominant subject into the next conceptual domain.
rcarty, Dec 11 2014

FlyingToaster, Dec 11 2014

       [FlyingToaster], I think that falls under " mindless regulatory statements ".   

       Just as this annotation comprises " gamification of discursive regulation ".   

       The actual game is one of subject and object, the object having no legitimate subjectivity which is extremely problematic when it crosses into a highly political and militant domain such as the Halfbakery.   

       The outcome of this game indicates the progression of a dominat object or a dominant subject into the next conceptual domain, which will be the idea that [rcarty] generates as a followup to this one.   

       He appears inexhaustible. With approximately 350 of these over five years, I'm wagering that our feedback is converted to an energy source that fuels the creative mechanism. Kind of like ELIZA.
normzone, Dec 11 2014

       The manner of using TTT is more imaginative a fun like thinking what you would do and how someone would try and stop you instead of being dryly scientific.
rcarty, Dec 11 2014


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