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Parallax telemetry

The, you can't see the forest for the trees, Log rhythm.
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Much like the 360 camera used by the Google Maps cars, this device would 360 degree spin a small vertical array of range finding lasers in a wedge shaped spread around ones helmet which would send real-time feedback to a program designed to use the parallax of the most immediate objects having certain tree-like characteristics and filter them out so as to see in an ever widening circle beyond them.

Standing still the device will only be able to map a small area around you, but movement will, much like looking past the trees in a moving car, let you catch glimpses of the landscape behind, this would allow you to see on a screen what is behind the forest or jungle you've been walking through, be it animal human or terrain.

If this already exists I haven't been able to find it but my gut says that it's coming soon to a military grade visor near you if it hasn't already.

Stuff made here - camera that sees in reverse https://youtu.be/aX...si=f4_m6G9VvCg9X-4K
[xaviergisz, Jan 30 2025]

[link] 2 https://www.youtube.../shorts/txej3KQ05b0
[2 fries shy of a happy meal, Jan 31 2025]

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       If I understand this idea it's brilliant.   

       If not I've got a brilliant idea. [+]
doctorremulac3, Jan 24 2025

       I don't know which of those might be true. Maybe both.   

       That was one of the coolest videos I've seen in some time. Thank you for the [link].
You can see what I mean about adding some editing software and being able to see the forest for the trees.
Very cool.

       Oh it's coming. [link] 2   

       If I had the know-how I'd do it myself. I can envision the gizomos, but I haven't yet learned how to build them properly or program the bots that will be needed.   

       If I live long enough it'll happen.   

       I'm aiming for 1500 years to accomplish all of the shit I've never divulged.
By the time I figure out how to gain that much time...

       ...I will require much more time than that if I am to continue to build the things which I will have have envisioned given that much time.   

       I either need a robo-body or alien intervention to make this happen...
...but I am open to possibilities.

       //That was one of the coolest videos I've seen in some time. Thank you for the [link].//   

       WOW! We should invite this guy to join the HB.   

       Keep up with this 2fries. Might be able to upload your consciousness to give you that 1,500 years you need.
doctorremulac3, Jan 31 2025

       I've consulted with myself and have found that outcome unsatisfactory.   

       On a legal note I should state that the 1500 years must be consecutively lived in a single lifetime and not spread out over many incarnations, as seems to be the current model, because I can't connect enough dots before I croak every fucking time.   

       just sayin   

       Ask me if I care.   

       That boy has vision.
reensure, Feb 05 2025

       This idea could be applied conceptually to text, so that by reading many annotations across many ideas, one could recreate the mind of the mind behind
pocmloc, Feb 05 2025

       Mmmm ^ sorta.   

       You can single out individual authors using pseudonyms this way. I don't know about rebuilding an individuals specific thought processes to any extent at which the new persona wouldn't quickly diverge from the already existing consciousness.   

       You can predict and mimic the emotional damage/elation degradation/utility triumphs/failures loves/hates...etc. of existence for a while, but it won't hold water over time.   

       "Ah say, ah say, it'll leak like a sieve boy!"   

       I know, because that's what I've always tried to do.   

       I wish A.I. the best of luck.   


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