In films, scenes generally tend to finish on a definate note. A final gesture, or a witty comment from the hero of the piece.
I generally shuffle out of scenes in my life, and afterwards I find myself musing over the punchline I should have found. <urban myth> A friend of mine knew someone who,
when sacked by his female boss, regained all dignity by turning as he left and asking: "I suppose a shag's out of the question then?"</myth>
How great would it be if, months or even years after an altercation, you could get back in touch with your adversary to deliver you killer (and somewhat considered) line.
Where friends reunited is catagorised by area, year, and school, opportunity reunited would have the date, location, and type of event with which you are dissatisfied. Having entered this information, you could deliver your message oscar-wilde-stylee:
"To the bloke outside The Kings Arms last friday: I was drunk, I was wrong, but wearing that T shirt you've got nobody to blame but yourself."
"Dear Nora, in checkout isle five in Sainsburys: I know you pride yourself on your bad attitude, but I'm betting your bad breath is accidental... do you know that I'm paying your wages?"
Word would quickly spread, and anyone who has ever been involved in an similar confrontational situation would quickly log on to see what was being written.