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Ocean Storm Rider

Is that the best you can do, God?! Come on, push me!
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The Ocean Storm Rider is service in which a submarine would release a buoyant capsule in the middle of really heavy ocean storms. The capsule, at least partially transparent, would be autonomous in terms of air supply and heavily cushioned. On the transparent parts, the cushioning would be made of heavy duty inflatable plastic, that would support you being thrown against it over and over without bashing your head against unbreakable glass, but still allowing you to see outside. The bottom of the capsule would be heavier so that it would mostly be with the upside up (and consequently, with the downside down...ok, this was silly). It would also have lamps turned to the outside so that the waves could be seen in darker days or during the night. The user would be bounced around inside the capsule at the will of the storm. This would beat any rollercoaster ride in the world.

There would be a display showing the current attitude of the capsule, a compass, wind speed, maximum height the capsule had already been thrown so far and a bunch of other useless but cool info. A soundtrack could be turned on or off. Alternatively the client could hear the storm sound (that would be my choice).

When tired of the fun (or after vomiting all over the capsule), the user would give a voice command to the capsule's command center to fill the ballast tanks with water so that the capsule would sink to a stable and safe depth. The capsule would then start to emit a homing signal and turn on a strobe, so that the submarine could recover the capsule underwater.

During the capsule's surface time, the submarine would be close enough so that if any ship was to come inside a safety perimeter, the sinking system would be activated. The user would be warned that it wasn't safe to continue the ride.

The submarine would be specially designed for this service. It would be big enough for one client plus a team of three crewpeople (is that pc enough?): a diver for harder recoveries, a sonar controller and the pilot (what do you call a person who drives a submarine?). The capsule wouldn't be completely pulled inside the sub. There would be a ring around the capsule over which the submarine would close two latch doors. The top of the capsule would then be opened so that the client could come out of it.

This service would be charged according to the strength of the storm.

PauloSargaco, Oct 22 2003

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       Should we presume that this all takes place upon the "Sargaco"(sic) Sea? Or is the service provided wherever the client's deep pockets take it? Or does that even matter? (I'm still trying to figure out why you deployed the capsule from a submarine, instead of jettisoning it from an overflying plane...akin to a Mercury Capsule splashdown...or from the stern end of an ocean liner. Both options at least have a freefall plunge added to the experience.)   

       Personally, I'm guessing that this idea wasn't designed so much as a viable business or invention, but as the central McGuffin to a poorly conceived screenplay.
jurist, Oct 22 2003

       // Or is the service provided wherever the client's deep pockets take it //   

       Well, my idea was that it should be provided at the most convenient ocean storm. Trips to the preferred area are the responsability of the client.   

       // I'm still trying to figure out why you deployed the capsule from a submarine, instead of jettisoning it from an overflying plane //   

       That one is easy. It's from a sub because it's much easier to retrieve the capsule from under water then in the midst of crashing waves.   

       // but as the central McGuffin //   

       Right!.... who's McGuffin? (not in the mood to Google it)
PauloSargaco, Oct 22 2003

       If you want to learn about suspenseful screenwriting, Paulo, cf. "McGuffin + Hitchcock" at the reference source of your choice. (Personally, I like Google and DogPile)
jurist, Oct 22 2003

       Big storms on the ocean can create big waves, but those are not very violent, they are just like smaller waves but bigger. Because the ocean is deep, the waves don't break (much). The violent waves form when these big waves meet a shallow(er) coast or bar. So you don't have to travel to the middle of the ocean, just a sandbar in a area with high tides (wind agains current creates very steap waves) will do the trick. Anchor a cable and pulley out there and bring the cables (back and forth) ashore. Now you can pull your little pukeboat in and out of the waves.
nietsch, Mar 21 2004

       Somehow this sounds like a candidate for that fear factor show.   

       Maybe rather than storm hunting (iffy schedule wise and expensive) going down a class 5 rapids would be just as exciting and available all the time repeatedly. A much safer version of that sport where well padded people go down rapids without a boat.
macrumpton, May 14 2004

       [macrumpton] Well, that's an interesting variation.
PauloSargaco, Jun 28 2004


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