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Numbered Beverage Party System

"Dude, that's like, your 11th #2. Aren't you due for a #3?"
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A alcoholic beverage party system featuring sequentially numbered bottles, each with different content designed for a specific stage of the party. A typical 5 hour party might start with a #1 which is some kind of high calorie nutrition beverage since you're not supposed to drink on an empty stomach. Then #2, 3 and 4 which are alcoholic beverages that start out strong and get weaker as the number goes up. Then to #5 which is some kind of re-hydrating beverage with electrolyte replacement or whatever. Then #6, the last mild drink of the night before #7, which is some kind of non-alcoholic coffee drink.

Being too stupid to figure out how to get drunk is no longer a problem.

doctorremulac3, Sep 27 2007

http://www.inthemix..._What_A_Great_Night [the dog's breakfast, Sep 28 2007]

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       >Being too stupid to figure out how to get drunk is no longer a problem.   

       Is it a problem? An idiot me just gets a litre of Absolut and in an hour or two the problem is solved!
xipetotec, Sep 28 2007

       /high calorie nutrition beverage/   

       /some kind of re-hydrating beverage with electrolyte replacement /   

       Egads man, are you having a party or running a marathon?! Plenty of parties progress splendidly in the presence of but one beverage. Booze, if I'm not mistaken.
Texticle, Sep 28 2007

       Pretty sure massive alcohol consumption plays a part.
Texticle, Sep 28 2007

       //Egads man, are you having a party or running a marathon?!//   

       ALL my parties are marathons! (Just kidding. Couple of beers and a few games of pool's about it for me these days.)
doctorremulac3, Sep 28 2007

       The higher echelons of the doctorremulac3 party system can advance their beverages to #14, and initiates of the inner circle may advance to beverage 42 after a weeklong bacchanal.
bungston, Sep 28 2007

       Mostly every party I've been to goes something like this:   

       #1: Beers
#2: Host's dangerously alcoholic fruit punch. This is consumed entirely before having anything else.
#3: Rum and coke (or other rum based cocktail)
#4: Vodka and cheap energy drink (or other high in sugar soft drink)
#5: Beers
#6: Cider (with ice)
#7: Jagermeister (shots thereof)
#8: Beers (usually other people's by this point)
#9: Sambuca (flamed shots thereof)
#10: Beers (half empty cans you find that /could/ have been yours)
#11: Tequila (shots and chanting thereof)
#12: No beer left so straight rum
#13: No rum left so straight vodka
#14: Dregs
theleopard, Sep 28 2007

       When I have taken a party to #12, I have then rapidly revisited the earlier numbers back to 1, 0, -1 and -2.
bungston, Sep 28 2007


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