Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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The answer to "where do you get your ideas?"
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A company that retails compellingly disturbing and distrubingly compelling ideas to editorialists, high-end journalists, directors, popular science writers, futurists, management gurus, etc. Differential pricing depending on the audience to which one wants to seem audacious. Slogan: ``Force-growing the fringe since 200x''.
cosma, Jan 28 2000


       What makes you think these people who are in the proffession of having good ideas will need help from a website called spinkyquinky or whatever you called it?
RobEC, Sep 09 2000

       As someone that supposedly works in the creative industries, trust me... we run out of inspiration just as often as everyone else does.
neuro, May 09 2006

       //As someone that supposedly works in the creative industries, trust me... we run out of inspiration just as often as everyone else does.//   

       Agreed, although I'm not sure niftysquick.com is a potential answer.
kuupuuluu, May 09 2006


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