Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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New Constellations

Telescope required
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We all know that in a telescope you can see more stars than you can see with the naked eye. And we know that constellations are particular groupings of bright stars.

So, if you look through a telescope at some region of the sky that doesn't seem to have any bright stars in it, per the naked eye, then you will now see some stars that look brighter than other stars. (You might be able to include galaxies, too, so long as they look more star-like than nebulous.) All those points of light will almost certainly exist in different patterns than any currently-recognized constellation.

So, if you look in enough directions through a powerful-enough telescope, you might be able to find a grouping of bright points resembling (in traditional "connect the dots" fashion) almost anything you might be hoping to find. A giraffe, for example. Or a skyscraper.

Just Keep Looking!

Vernon, Jul 21 2014

Anti-constellations Star_20Gaps
Shameless self promotion. [DrBob, Jul 21 2014]

Notice how the dots fit perfectly https://www.flickr....00@N03/14537727210/
MosheDayan constellation [pashute, Jul 23 2014]

Camelopardalis https://en.wikipedi...wiki/Camelopardalis
The Giraffe constellation [pashute, Jul 23 2014]

The Giraffe constelation https://www.wevideo.com/view/220681461
I checked it out, and it really DOES exist. Here's my video to prove [pashute, Jul 23 2014]

Constellation HB https://www.flickr....00@N03/14539389389/
[pashute, Jul 23 2014]

Mad Magazine's Modern Constellations ca. 1957 http://www.amazon.c...e-Oct/dp/B00IFQKRHM
Updated Constellations [csea, Jul 27 2014]

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       The spooky thing about the galaxy is that if you pick any three stars, they almost always form a triangle.
MaxwellBuchanan, Jul 21 2014

       The spooky thing about the halfbakery is that if you pick any three ideas, they almost always foment dissension.
normzone, Jul 21 2014

       This is rather similar to the infinite monkeys writing Shakespeare. While probabilisticly true, it is practically useless because it is basically impossible to find the pattern you are looking for.
scad mientist, Jul 21 2014

       I disagree.   

       Given a desired pattern, it is possible to find the set of stars which best match that pattern, with allowance for translation, rotation and scaling.
MaxwellBuchanan, Jul 21 2014

       Finding a tringle between 3 stars is trivial.
pocmloc, Jul 21 2014

       Well said, [pocmloc].
MaxwellBuchanan, Jul 21 2014

       Well, yes, if you're trying to find these triangles that fascinate you so, you will find plenty. If you want to find a constellation that is unmistakably a giraffe, it seems to me that the probability of finding that in our lifetime is close to zero. Of course you could loosen the parameters and find something that looks like a giraffe if you ignore a couple bright nearby starts and squint real hard.
scad mientist, Jul 21 2014

       Would be nice to find a half croissant with a 50c sign in the sky
piluso, Jul 21 2014

       There's about 30 billion stars visible with a good telescope. I'd warrant that most patterns of 10 or 15 stars can be found, allowing for maybe a 10% deviation from the "ideal" positions.
MaxwellBuchanan, Jul 21 2014

       Okay, I did some calculation based on some wild simplifications, and it looks to me like the feasibility of finding a giraffe depends highly on how good we want he giraffe to look. With your stated assumptions you might be right, but with the constellation quality that I think I would like, it quickly becomes highly unlikely.   

       If we were actually doing this, we'd need to consider the relative brightness of stars. A constellation would need to be made up only of stars with similar relative brightness. But to simplify this, lets say there are 30 billion stars, so we'll consider (30 x 10^9) possible constellations representing each star and the nearest 14 stars. I'm going with 15 stars because I think forming an outline with only 10 stars won't look that great.   

       I'm not sure what you mean by 10% deviation from ideal, but lets consider a 10x10 grid with a giraffe outline on it. Now highlight the cells that have a line in them. Lets say that 30% of the cells are highlighted. When considering a group of stars, the grid is re-sized to just fit all of them, so for each star there is a 30% chance that each star will be in an allowable cell in the grid. The probability of all 15 stars being in acceptable positions is 0.3 ^ 15 = 1 / 70 million. Clearly we can find that "giraffe" in 30 billion constellations. However I contend that with just 15 stars with that much variation from the ideal location, the giraffe will be unrecognizable. If we made it a 20x20 grid instead and assumed 15% of the squares are acceptable, that makes the probability 0.15 ^ 15 = 1 / 3 trillion (highly unlikely).
scad mientist, Jul 21 2014

       + I don't see why it isn't possible. Just look at ones we have now...if they are so obscure, certainly there is a giraffe somewhere. This idea is totally half- baked, therefore deserving of a croissant constellation.
xandram, Jul 23 2014

       I made a WeVideo of my scientific findings. See Link   

       Though (woops), wrote 'Though' instead of thou.
pashute, Jul 23 2014

       // that makes the probability 0.15 ^ 15 = 1 / 3 trillion (highly unlikely)//   

       You're forgetting, though, that:   

       (a) The giraffe can be rotated through any angle*   

       (b) The giraffe can be scaled over a wide range   

       (c) Potential sets of stars can be overlapping   

       *Note that this is true only of astronomical giraffes. Real giraffes cannot be inverted, because it causes their heads to explode under the unnaturally high blood pressure. Don't ask me how I know this, and don't ask me why Sturton has been banned for life from Whipsnade.
MaxwellBuchanan, Jul 23 2014

       How do the Australian zoos manage, I wonder?
pocmloc, Jul 24 2014

       //... If you want to find a constellation that is unmistakably a giraffe, it seems to me that the probability of finding that in our lifetime is close to zero. Of course you could loosen the parameters and find something that looks like a giraffe if you ignore a couple bright nearby starts and squint real hard.//   

       It seems to me that the threshold for success is that of the traditional constellations. I think this is quite a low bar.
On those grounds I propose the following procedure:

       1) Chose any random patch of sky
2) Pick some random visible stars, trying to avoid moving stuff like planets, comets, satellites, helicopters, street-lights etc.
3) Name your new constellation whatever you like.
Loris, Jul 24 2014

       The street lights round here don't move. Where do you live?
pocmloc, Jul 24 2014

       Loris, did you see the movie?   

       Don't you see the Giraffe clearly enough?
pashute, Jul 27 2014

       "MAD's Up To Date Sky" MAD brings the sky up to date with modern constellations replacing ancient constellations which were all Greek to us anyhow. Circa 1957. [link], click on "read more."   

       Ya see, I was made Mad at an early age...
csea, Jul 27 2014


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