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Musical Passwords

A.K.A. Dueling Banjos Login
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Upload a two-track duet of your own composition. When you next enter your user ID to the Halfbakery login screen, the login procedure will begin playing one part of the duet from a randomly chosen starting point. To verify your identity, you must perform the accompanying part of the piece into your microphone. The two tracks may be of any musical medium; humming, whistling, tap-dancing, violin, etc.
swimswim, Dec 15 2009

Knock detecting lock (Percussion) http://hackaday.com...ock-detecting-lock/
[Dub, Dec 17 2009]

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       Interesting, although such a password might be (slightly) easier to guess than a regular password, for a hacker with musical training.   

       [edit: Would also not work well in a public place, if that matters. People would hear your password.]
bnip, Dec 15 2009


       Tsh! (+)   

       With an ocarina, shirley?
daseva, Dec 15 2009

       This may have been baked on an episode of Family Guy. But I'm trying very hard not to remember it.
outloud, Dec 16 2009

       I tend to memorize numerical strings (like phone #s, passwords, combinations, etc.) by converting the 0-9 digits to tones (0 = rest.)
csea, Dec 16 2009

wagster, Dec 16 2009

       Rachmaninoff, anyone?
Jinbish, Dec 16 2009

       [bnip], touche on public logins, but I don't see why it would be easier to crack than an alphanumeric password. As long as the duet is an original composition, not existing in any public music library, then I think it should be harder to crack. Knowing one part of a duet, one should never be able to guess the precise notes of the second part.
swimswim, Dec 16 2009

       For example, no one could ever guess the beats of the syncopated rhythm in my maraca track. (Or that the second track was performed with maracas as opposed to castanets or a tuba.)
swimswim, Dec 16 2009

       // Knowing one part of a duet, one should never be able to guess the precise notes of the second part. // On the contrary, there are only 12 notes after all. And there are plenty of musical cues (clues?) in the first part that would narrow it down further. If it was not overly long, wildly abstract or written in some obscure microscale, it should be much simpler to guess than a regular password.   

       Add to the mix known musical styles and it becomes a cinch. I'd wager I could guess Paul McCartney's second part of a musical password in less than five attempts.
tatterdemalion, Dec 16 2009

       //Paul McCartney's second part//   

       June? Spoon?
Jinbish, Dec 16 2009

       I would enjoy this. +
dentworth, Dec 16 2009

       //there are only 12 notes// ...in an octave, but a song might span multiple octaves.
swimswim, Dec 16 2009

       Don't forget quarter-tones, you Westerny-Earmuffed-type people!.
'Especially for You' by Kylie and Jason.
But only if I can be Kylie.
gnomethang, Dec 16 2009

       well, 12 is more then ten anyways. and if you can select the type of instrument then the permutations reach infinity. Even though melody is easy to grasp and predict, note lengths and syncopation make for very unpredictable variations. +
daseva, Dec 17 2009

       A theremin might be a little tricky to repeat.
RayfordSteele, Dec 17 2009

       // With an ocarina, shirley? //   

       A modified ocarina, actually.   

       We think this would be good. We would do it "barbershop" style. The Borg excel at close-harmony singing.
8th of 7, Dec 17 2009

       I could remember this easier than a regular password. The hard part would be getting the stupid song out of my head. (You know that annoying little snippet that keeps churning around in your head all day.)
blissmiss, Dec 17 2009

       [+] musical passwords are well half-baked, but this is different in that it requires a fixed pitch to harmonize properly.
FlyingToaster, Dec 21 2009


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