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Mile High, Slo-Mo Dive

method of completing a mile high dive in slow motion
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Q. How can anyone survive a dive of over 5,000 feet?
A. By entering the water very slowly and carefully.

Q. How is that going to be possible?
A. By using the apparatus which forms the essential components of the Mile High Diving Tower.

I should explain... the pool of water is positioned 40 feet below the diver at the top of the tower. As soon as the diver begins his/her plunge towards the pool, it begins its own descent, travelling at a speed calculated to ensure that they break the surface of the water very slowly, this action being recorded on camera and projected unto large screens for the benefit of a watching audience.

Once the diver has fully entered the water, the entire pool, complete with diver now happily swimming around, begins to decelerate, until it safely reaches the ground.

xenzag, Aug 23 2008

20 Kilometers straight down, plus a relatively slow descent! http://kelloggseria...known-cliff-in.html
[Amos Kito, Aug 23 2008]

How high is the highest high diving board? http://wiki.answers...ighest_diving_board
[xenzag, Aug 24 2008]

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       The tallest tower, even the highest mountain cliff drop, is less than half that height. But see the [Link].   

       The entire “pool area” needs to be enclosed, to protect the diver and the water from air turbulence. To save on construction time, the diver could do this stunt inside an aircraft.
Amos Kito, Aug 23 2008

       //the highest mountain cliff drop, is less than half that height.// El Capitan in Yosemite is rather more like three quarters of that height.
I think Half Dome may be even higher.
AbsintheWithoutLeave, Aug 23 2008

       Would a large enough volume of water enable a diver to survive if it and he landed at terminal velocity?
I mean an extremely tall cylinder of water which would decelerate on impact as each new section of the cylinder burst apart and absorbed energy.

       Hmm. Let's check some numbers (in metric, since it's easier.)   

       Let's say a kilometer instead of a mile; and a swimming pool of 1/4 Olympic size (61,000 litres) ignoring the container.   

       Potential Energy = mgh, so getting the pool up a km will take (61000 x 9.8 x 1000) ~= 600 MJ. Since a km is about 0.6 miles, a mile will take a nice round Gigajoule. Should be doable, but it's gonna take some mighty big shock absorbers to dissipate this on the way down.   

       Maybe this should be done with electro-hydraulic pump / turbines, to regain some of the energy on the way down.
csea, Aug 23 2008

       I wonder if there isn't another way to do this. One of the explanations for some of the disappearances in the Bermuda Triangle was methane outgasing which bubbles up through the water and lowers it's density to the point that ships won't float on it. I wonder if this same effect could work here to soften the water enough to allow for a safe landing. I know the Mythbusters tested this on boats.
MisterQED, Aug 24 2008

       Hold on why don't they just do it in say a large elevator shaft , but you get sort of rings of fans like indoor sky diving experiences to decelerate the diver? .
Kennichi1980, Aug 24 2008


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