Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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Melting / Un-melting Kenetic Sculpture

Sculpture made of magnets suspended by wires on a hoist.
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The permanent magnets are just powerful enough to hold together when the wires attached to the top are pulled up towards the ceiling by a motor, but not powerful enough to hold the configured shape when the suspension wires are let down.

When the wires are let down, the weight of the magnets cause the sculpture to collapse into a pile on the ground. When the motor above pulls the suspension wires up again, the sculpture reforms itself.

The motion would be similar to a bananna being peeled when dismantled, then the peel being put back in the re-assembly sequence or simply an inflatable man in its erect state and its flaccid state. What? Oh please, get your mind out of the gutter.

It might do this automatically or when the patrons pushed a button.

Did a mockup of it suspended that looks okay, but when I tried to get one of it collapsed on the floor it turned everythign into paperclips for some reason.

doctorremulac3, Oct 10 2024

Kenetic sculpture in assembled state. https://www.dropbox...82&st=b1x2gaz4&dl=0
In the chaos state it would just be a pile on the floor. [doctorremulac3, Oct 10 2024]

Totally inaccurate illustration of what it would look like in its collapsed state. https://www.dropbox...oi&st=lky6lon0&dl=0
Gives the basic idea though. [doctorremulac3, Oct 11 2024]


       Forgot to point out that this thing's floating in mid air when assembled. Picture sort of illustrates that but I'd want it higher, about midway between floor and ceiling. Kind of tricky to get AI to do exactly what you want at this point in its evolution.
doctorremulac3, Oct 11 2024

       That is one hairy bastard. Better when it relaxes.
minoradjustments, Oct 11 2024

       That's what she said.   

       Sorry, disregard.
doctorremulac3, Oct 11 2024

       //That is one hairy bastard.//   



       Actually, there is this... stuff... called ferrofluid which goes spiky a bit like those balls when it's magnetised.   

       You probably wouldn't be able to make it look quite as cobwebby as that anachnophobe's nightmare, though.
Loris, Oct 11 2024

       Ooh! Yea, I’ve seen that stuff, very cool! Put it in a tank, that’s brilliant!
doctorremulac3, Oct 11 2024


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