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Lock, Stock, and one Smoking Barista

shotgun coffee
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In my mind, there is enough energy stored in an average shotgun cartridge to make a decent cup of coffee. (or shot of course)

A device is obviously required. This has to be of robust construction to contain, and to appropriately channel the energy of the exploding cartridge so that it blasts a jet of superheated water through a plug of compressed coffee.

Ah - it's probably too complicated to work, which is why it's here, and not on the desk, waiting for engineering drawings at Remington and Nespresso.

(those who are willing to calculate the energy equivalents may confirm or deny the principle of the idea)

xenzag, Feb 05 2015

First you must mill the coffee. http://thearmsguide...ar-coffee-mill-gun/
[2 fries shy of a happy meal, Feb 06 2015]

Gunpowder tea http://en.wikipedia.../wiki/Gunpowder_tea
[not_morrison_rm, Feb 10 2015]


       According to my sources*, a typical shotgun shell contains about 1.5 grams of powder. I don't know what propellant is commonly used, but if it were gunpowder this would have about 4 or 5 kJ of available energy.   

       This would be enough (without losses) to bring about 50ml of water to boiling point.   

       However, I expect modern propellants are energier than gunpowder. Plus you could use two barrels.   

       I think Mythbusters should try to build this.
MaxwellBuchanan, Feb 05 2015

       I think I see how this could work.   

       You want a long, strong tube (preferably with a low thermal mass).   

       At the top end of the tube is a breach (or whatever they call the bit that holds the shotgun cartridge). The bottom end of the tube is closed by a strong bulkhead.   

       Just above the bulkhead, in the side of the tube, is a small hole which can be opened or closed by a tap. Mounted on this hole (on the side of the tube) is a receptacle which holds the coffee grounds. This receptacle has the small perforations and nozzle which allow water to flow through the coffee and into a cup.   

       To use:   

       (0) Close the tap at the bottom of the tube.
(1) open the breach at the top, and pour in enough water for a shot of espresso. The water should not fill the tube
(2) fill the receptacle with your chosen coffee.
(3) load a cartridge and close the breach.
(4) hit the arse-end of the cartridge to fire it.
(5) All of the energy of the cartridge will be delivered into the tube. Some will travel as kinetic energy of the shot; this will be converted to heat when the shot hits the water and bulkhead at the bottom of the tube. The rest will go into massively compressing the air (or gaseous combustion products) in the space above the water. The massive compression will superheat the airspace above the water.
(g) Shake the entire tube for a few seconds. This will ensure that the superheated air transfers most of its thermal energy to the water.
(h) Holding the tube upright, SLOWLY open the tap. Aim the nozzle towards your coffee cup, or towards anyone within a 20 yard radius whom you would like to surprise.
MaxwellBuchanan, Feb 05 2015

       MythBusters? You could wait years for them to get around to this (activates the [Alterother] signal)   

       Maxwell, with your fortunes you should bake this in a format that looks like a side-by-side with twin hammers.   

       Please accept my advance order for serial number 00001, and let me know where to send the cheque for the deposit.
normzone, Feb 05 2015

       "principal of the idea" : [normzone]'s cheque
"principle of the idea" : [MB]'s tutorial
lurch, Feb 06 2015

       [normzone] get that cheque made out to me.... I'll be sure to reward Maxwell at a decent hourly rate for his drilling and bolting bench work.
xenzag, Feb 06 2015

       Yes, credit where credit is due. The idea is [xenzag]'s. (Note for any injury lawyers reading: THE IDEA IS XENZAG'S)
MaxwellBuchanan, Feb 06 2015

       //In my mind there is enough energy stored//   

       In mine too!
zeno, Feb 06 2015

       According to my sources, ground roasted coffee typically contains 5-7% water. A sufficient force, therefore, should be able to press out this water, laden with all its coffeeey goodness.
MaxwellBuchanan, Feb 06 2015

       //ground roasted coffee typically contains 5-7% water. A sufficient force,//   

       If only you had something lying about that could generate, say, 100,000 G. That would probably do it.
bs0u0155, Feb 06 2015

       I've made a decent espresso in a 50ml tube and a regular centrifuge (to pellet the grounds). But I have never yet tried ultracentrifuging* dry ground coffee.   

       I am prepared to try this if someone can think of a plausible explanation to give, if it all goes very expensively wrong.   

       *kudos to the spellchecker, which recognises "ultracentrifuging".
MaxwellBuchanan, Feb 06 2015

       Ultracentrifuges are one of the few bits of lab equipment no one ever remembers arriving, they've just always been in that room next to the cold room. I think it's because their lifespan is much longer than that of the average academic career. Or they breed. Anyhow, just perform your "experiment" in a centrifuge of ambiguous ownership have an alibi, and if worst comes to worst, blame it on the person with the worst English.
bs0u0155, Feb 08 2015

       Fair point. I might try it, although I'm on a bit of a short leash since I tested my theory that it was possible to completely defrost a Duran bottle of frozen liquid in a microwave without loosening the cap, as long as you time it right. (For the record, it's not.)
MaxwellBuchanan, Feb 08 2015

       //recognises "ultracentrifuging"// - no credit due. You clicked "add to dictionary" sometime in the past; probably while somewhat inebriated.
lurch, Feb 08 2015

       I don't think so - I don't even know how to. Is the spell-checker part of my browser, part of my OS, or part of the Halfbakery?
MaxwellBuchanan, Feb 08 2015

       There is a difference between those three things?
pocmloc, Feb 08 2015

       Gunpowder tea..link
not_morrison_rm, Feb 10 2015

       Tea made with gunpowder tastes disgusting. Even a NutriMatic would be ashamed.
8th of 7, Feb 10 2015

       //spellchecker// it's your browser. Probably a length-based thing (ultrawhatsisisisiisisisis is too long to bother checking).
FlyingToaster, Feb 10 2015

       I dunno about length - it doesn't like "ultracentripuge", for instance.
MaxwellBuchanan, Feb 10 2015

       my browser (Waterfox) spellchecker (switched on for this special occasion) doesn't like "ultracentrifuging", so dunno.   

       I find gunpowder tea somewhat bitter.
FlyingToaster, Feb 10 2015

       Try brewing it cooler, 70°C is good for most green teas. Could just be very low-grade or stale though.
pocmloc, Feb 11 2015


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