Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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Movie premice
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In the early 1700's a man discovers his 50 year old pet lobster struggling to shed its exoskeleton.
So he meticulously cuts it free of its shell.

After his death his son has continued to cut the pet free of its shell but tin snips are now needed.

The grandson and then great grandson has taken a warming to the creature and now industrial cutting tools release it from its shell while moulting.

The lobster is now the size of a jumbo jet and can now shed individual sections of its exoskeleton without human intervention and is essentially immortal.

Chaos ensues.



... Subsequent, "Son of Lobzilla" premiers.

"I'd like to thank all the little people who made this possible ..."

carcinization https://www.scienti...volving-into-crabs/
[pertinax, Sep 01 2024]


       We're gonna need a bigger saucepan. [+]
pertinax, Aug 31 2024

       Just to show I'm living in the simulation, a1 just posted a link that shows the top ten movies with giant crab monsters.   

       That has to have been the simulation creating something to match this idea.   

       But on the slight chance it is real, we need to talk to the surviving creators of these Crabzilla movies and ask what the hell were they thinking. A movie? Sure. Even two, but ten?
doctorremulac3, Aug 31 2024

       Approved if it's also radioactive and comes ashore to attack an iconic city, using its giant claws to crunch through skyscrapers and its flapping tail to create tsunamis. Oh, and the jumbo jet size version is only a tiny baby.
xenzag, Aug 31 2024

       //Article title said 10 but actually listed 23.//   

       Okay, more proof we're living in a simulation. The real univererse is gonna create 23 crab monster horror movies? I don't think so.
doctorremulac3, Aug 31 2024

       Philosophy is an illusion. Illusions doubly so.
doctorremulac3, Aug 31 2024

       //The real univererse is gonna create 23 crab monster horror movies?//   

       Sure; that just means carcinization applies to memes as well as genes. See link.
pertinax, Sep 01 2024

       //We're gonna need a bigger saucepan.//   

       And a whole lotta butter sauce.
21 Quest, Sep 01 2024

       It's just plausible is all.
I think the experiment needs to be done to see just how long a captive lobster can actually live for. Same with Jellyfish.

       Sure it will take generations to determine but that's what makes it cool.   

       Will it be Clifford?

       Feelers, nothing more than feelers.
Trying to forget my feelers of lob.
Teardrops rolling down on my carapace,
Trying to forget my feelers of lob.


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