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Light-Adjusting Display

It's the 21st century. Why am I still twiddling my knobs?
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I don't know about you (nor do lots of other people---but that's a different topic), but where I live, the sun has an annoying habit of moving around and changing the light my computer room, requiring me to fuss with my Brightness and Contrast controls several times a day. Why hasn't someone made a display that keeps itself adjusted to the ambient light? (If I'm giving anyone a billion-dollar idea here, I'd appreciate it if you'd buy me that cool archtop jazz guitar I've been lusting over for the last year. Thanks.)
Ander, Nov 08 2002

(?) Forget about that guitar. http://www.sony-cp....oducts/archive/n50/
Start saving for this. [sild, Oct 04 2004, last modified Oct 05 2004]


       Which cool archtop [(AKA King of) guitar(+s)]?
thumbwax, Nov 08 2002

       // the sun has an annoying habit of moving around and changing the light my computer room //   

       Gotcha .... you're not a real Geek, or you would have already covered the window area with equipment, thus excluding all natural light and those nasty dangerous UV photons that ruin the lovely bluish-gray pallor which identifies the true Geek. Begone from this place, until you have learned to live by the glow of your 21 inch monitors, and you whimper and scrabble for your sunglasses whenever a 40-watt bulb is enabled .....   

       Repeat after me: "Bright lights ! Bright lights !"
8th of 7, Nov 08 2002

       Nah: you could manually adjust it the first time to match, say, a sheet of white paper held up next to it. Then the screen could monitor changes in the light falling on it, and adjust its brightness accordingly.   

       Obviously wouldn't work to well if you get a lot of sunbeams (so the area next to the screen is awash in sunlight while the screen is still dark, or vice versa).   

       Somebody did recently Bake windows that react to the amount of light falling on them, keeping the internal daylight illumination constant. That seems to me to be a more general fix. Or, of course, you could shift your PC to a north-facing room (the traditional solution of artists faced with the same problem).
DrCurry, Nov 08 2002

       Or a south-facing room for those down under.
krelnik, Nov 08 2002

       <geek-mode>What is this "sun" thing of which you speak?</geek-mode>
PeterSilly, Nov 08 2002

       // why am I still twiddling my knobs? //   

       You have two? No... nevermind... I'm NOT going there...
RayfordSteele, Nov 08 2002

       Been lurching for a few days, and this is the first post. My monitor has a light sensor on the top of it that adjusts to light. It's a Compaq P110. I have it turned off now because of the flurescent's that I work under!
tj2010, Nov 08 2002

       Holy sh*t! A real user! He,s right, too: "the unique Compaq Ambient Light Sensor, which monitors room lighting and adjusts the brightness and contrast on the screen to optimize viewing". So, it's Baked.
DrCurry, Nov 08 2002

       Not exactly new technology either. Some TV sets as far back as the 1970's had photosensors which adjusted the picture according to ambient light levels.
half, Nov 08 2002

       It's not unique - it's on the Sony that I linked to right at the start.
sild, Nov 11 2002

       Sorry, I'm missing something from my Grade 4 Astronomy class... you say the *sun* is moving?
Cedar Park, Jan 01 2003


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