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Kentucky Fried Turkey

It's just healthier!
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Same basic concept as KFC, except that all the chicken dishes are now prepared with turkey.

There are many chicken chain restaurants, but I have yet to see a turkey chain. Perhaps the world is not ready...

(Not that fried anything is really healthy in the first place, but beer marinated deep fried turkey is GOOOOOOOOD!)

Mr Burns, Jul 12 2002

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       "Cajun Fried Greese"
[ sctld ], Jul 12 2002

       Kentucky broiled pigeons....
runforrestrun, Jul 12 2002

       That could be picked up as rascist, bliss.
[ sctld ], Jul 12 2002

       What about ostrich? A Novelty Fowl shop? As in KFF: Kentucky Fried Fowl... Oh, I dunno.   

       How about "Fried Ostrich and Chicken like in Kentucky?"
polartomato, Jul 12 2002

       [Baked] In the early '70's, there was a fastfood chain in the western US called Plump Turkey. They had a large dining room because the customers would eat, then fall asleep.
bravesirrobin, Jul 12 2002

       But did they use the Colonel's Secret Herbs and Spices..?
Mr Burns, Jul 12 2002

       I'll certainly try it, on a croissant. How about Kentucky Fried Crispy Duck, too ?
8th of 7, Jul 12 2002

       Or a really tough bird: Kentucky Fried Colonel stuffed with corn colonels.
FarmerJohn, Jul 12 2002

       Turkey is gooood. I quite often make myself spicy turkey and pepper fajitas (sauce: one jar of Safeways Texan Honey and Hickory Sauce, plus liberal helping of chilli powder - tastes scrummy) for my evening meal. It's insanely cheap relative to chicken, and when you're making something spicy (Turkey Tikka Masala is also rather tasty), the difference in taste is negligable.
Guy Fox, Jul 13 2002

       Yes, allow people to think they are improving their diets when they aren't! Fast food chains ought to jump all over this. McDonald's Turkey Nuggets anyone?
ThotMouser, Jul 15 2002

       I tried calling Jared to sponsor.... he wouldn't return my calls, although he did ask me to fax him a menu...
Mr Burns, Jul 15 2002

       What about kentucky fried fish, kf pork, kf steak, kf rice, etc.?
jaksplat, Dec 15 2004

       Actually, Kentucky Fried Fish is in Asia now. I guess it is replacing Kentucky Fried H5N1.   

       Kentucky Roast Beef was big in some parts of the US.   

       And KFC now serves Deep Fried Turkey, so whomever thought of this, deserves a royalty or something like that.
lurkers6a, Feb 05 2006

       Because fast food must be discarded after 10 minutes following its preparation it is disposed of too rapidly for turkey production to keep up. For every turkey processed in your average meat packing plant, 6 to 8 chickens are processed. This is simply because the turnaround time of a turkey egg becomming a turkey is much longer than that of a chicken. Turkeys also lay far fewer eggs than chickens so not as many turkey chicks are hatching as frequently as chicken chicks. That also stands the reason why turkey eggs are not sold in your local supermarket.
Jscotty, Feb 05 2006

       Despite the easy tie-in to KFC, if I wanted to come up with a competitive turkey franchise, I'd be tempted to try the name "Tennessee Taste Turkey", just to make better use of the alliteration, and to push the menu direction just a couple of degrees further south. All the turkeys would be cooked whole in deep-kettle turkey fryers, and be chef-carved into pieces *after* cooking. Or, we'd offer Great Smoky Mountains Bourbon & Apple wood Smoked Turkey as an alternative. Fried grits, Wild Turkey (tm) chitlins, Knoxville Knock-Your-Socks-Off sausage stuffing, Blue Ridge potato skins (with bacon pieces and bleu cheese dressing), almond green beans or black-eyed peas, cranberry cornmuffins, and pokesally (poke sallet) greens would all be regular side dishes. Mmm-mmm good.   

       [Edit: I didn't elaborate on the opportunity in the original idea, but to counter KFC's spokesperson, Colonel Sanders, a cagey entrepreneur could also play off the military/historical connections with the image of Sergeant York as a franchise mascot. York, who originated from Johnson City, Tennessee (near Knoxville), was immortalized by Gary Cooper in the 1941 Howard Hawks bio-pic about the most decorated American soldier in World War I. In an early scene of the movie York won a local *turkey shoot*, proving his marksmanship. In later scenes, the reborn Christian conscientious objector single-handedly decimated an entrenched line of German soldiers by reportedly baffling them with his Tennessee turkey call imitation, and then sniping each soldier as he lifted his head to find the source of the gobble-gobble noise.]
jurist, Feb 05 2006

       You've forgotten the corn freshly cut from the cob.   

       There once was an excellent turkey chain in the Seattle area called, I think, The Turkey Roaster. They served turkey sandwiches as well as turkey entrees. I once ate at the one on Eliott near the base of the Magnolia Bridge. It was good but tame.
bristolz, Feb 05 2006


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