Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
h a l f b a k e r y
Think of it as a spell checker that insults you, as well.

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Improved Amplified Speed Tennis Ball

Covered with blasting caps.
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The racket hits the ball, it triggers a small blasting cap that pushes the ball cover out in that direction very quickly shooting it like a bullet.

Would run out eventually making it unpredictable but it would be like playing tennis with a lightening bolt.

Not sure how will this would work with other sports, lacrosse I guess, hockey, baseball's already ranked as a very dangerous sport, this would move it into the deadly category.

Anyway, any sport where you hit a ball or puck with a stick.

Wonder if you could do an internal combustion engine version where you just filled it with diesel or something?

Could also put the caps on the racket I guess. That might be a better one for the internal combustion launcher idea.

Hmm. Jai alai could have a rail gun put in those scoops, that would be pretty easy.

doctorremulac3, Jul 15 2024


       //Jai alai//...
You could mount a series of small motorised wheels along the scoop (cesta) to accelerate the ball as it moves along. The curved shape of the cesta should ensure continuous contact.
Or even just a pair at the bottom end next to the handle. "Catch" with the open end, ball rolls down to the base, pull trigger, wheels go "zoom", ball goes supersonic.
neutrinos_shadow, Jul 15 2024

       Whoa! Done! That needs to be built and sold! That would be really easy, sell these to people playing catch on the beach. Everybody would see you throwing this ball 120 yards and the other person catching it.   

       Okay, how about a more dangerous and less practical version?   

       The handle has highly compressed gas, when the ball hits a trigger it's released. Maybe even flammable gas that explodes and shoots the ball out like Thor throwing thunder bolts!   

       But the wheels thing needs to be done.
doctorremulac3, Jul 15 2024


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