Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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Not the Happy Cuddle Club.

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Hungry Hungry Hippies

The frantic granola-munching game
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(+6, -1)
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The heads - sporting half-lidded, bloodshot eyes - shoot out with each smack of the plastic hands ("gimme five").

Fill your belly with granola (edamame, 'ludes, M&Ms, whatever) before the rest of the co-op gets theirs.

The whole thing doubles as a hookah, with a removable dome over the playing field and water tray underneath.


phoenix, Dec 02 2009

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       You're mixing your cultures a bit... okay, lots.
FlyingToaster, Dec 02 2009

       I like, but it could be more evocative. If the 'arena' area was covered in a glass bubble which you had to fill with smoke before the contest begins then I could be persuaded to croissantage. You'll have to move fast though as I'm feeling a bit peckish at the moment.
DrBob, Dec 02 2009

       For "I'm feeling a bit peckish at the moment" +.   

       For the idea..., well, I'm feeling a bit like a pecker, so neutral.
blissmiss, Dec 02 2009

       You get my vote for the title alone.
oxen crossing, Dec 03 2009

       "If the 'arena' area was covered in a glass bubble which you had to fill with smoke before the contest begins then I could be persuaded to croissantage."
Idea edited appropriately.
phoenix, Dec 03 2009

       //You get my vote for the title alone//   

       This is clearly one of those ideas that exists only to justify the title. I still like it, mind.
wagster, Dec 03 2009

       //Idea edited appropriately.//

Mwuhhahahaha. Fooled you! I'd already croissanted so you didn't need to change the idea at all!
DrBob, Dec 03 2009

       "Fooled you!"
phoenix, Dec 03 2009


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