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Humorous sucessor dominant species

Plannning the next dominant species, for a laugh
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It crossed my mind that the dinosaurs had a hand (claw?) in the development of their successors, so we might as well have a go ourselves.

The dinosaurs indirectly bred mammals to be small, nippy and prone to living underground, as they would have eaten any large mammals due to lack of nippiness. So when the meteor hit the Yucatan Peninsular the mammals were in a better position to survive climate changes and the subsequent lack of food.

I suggest we try breeding up something with very big ears, or a more than passing resemblance to bagpipes, in an attempt to have a posthumous last laugh.

Although strangely none of the dinosaurs discovered so far have external genitalia on the males, so perhaps they had this idea too.

not_morrison_rm, Jul 20 2012

HRH in a kilt http://4.bp.blogspo...ce_Charles_Kilt.jpg
One of many pictures ... [8th of 7, Jul 21 2012]

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       //try breeding up something with very big ears, or a more than passing resemblance to bagpipes//   

       You've not visited Norfolk, have you?
MaxwellBuchanan, Jul 20 2012

       // strangely none of the dinosaurs discovered so far have external genitalia //   

       I'm pretty sure common consensus holds that dinosaurs had cloaca, like those of birds and reptiles. The reproductive and eliminatory organs of both genders are all kept inside a protective pouch with a sphincter-like orifice (though in some species, I think it may be more like a flap). The techniques they employ in utilizing said various organs are alien and mysterious to those of us whose genders are determined via the innie-or-outie system.
Alterother, Jul 20 2012

       //dinosaurs had cloaca like birds and reptiles//   

       You mean a majestic T-rex would have something that looks like a chicken between its legs? That is one cruel evolutionary twist.
MaxwellBuchanan, Jul 20 2012

       Grammar corrected. Thank you, m'Lud.
Alterother, Jul 20 2012

       Just saying. I thought old T-Rex would have a biggun.
nomocrow, Jul 20 2012

       //I thought old T-Rex would have a biggun.   

       Now you know why T-Rex always seems to angry.   


       I just seem to imagine two dinosaur geneticists doing beer and pizza after work. "Hey, that external genitals development, what a laugh!" and other one goes "Yeah, just wait until they evolve enough to make the bicycle cross-bar". There's a Farside cartoon in there...
not_morrison_rm, Jul 21 2012

       // something with very big ears, or a more than passing resemblance to bagpipes //   

       Well, there's something with very big ears, AND a more than passing resemblance to bagpipes. He's called Prince Charles ...   

8th of 7, Jul 21 2012


       only yesterday I was wondering what some wonk in the tory party was raving on about sorting out dysfunctional familes.. and was too afraid to ask if that includes the house of Windsor?
not_morrison_rm, Jul 22 2012

       I thought this was going to say that dinos devolved into birds, so in the far future humans should be content to devolve into tiny humanoid creatures that spend 99% of their time searching for worms and running south for the winter. The then-dominant species (tigers probably) would smile and build little feeders for us, and maybe serve up the fatter ones of us for Tiger Thanksgiving.
sqeaketh the wheel, Jul 22 2012


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