Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
h a l f b a k e r y
On the one hand, true. On the other hand, bollocks.

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The two wheeled wonder
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This electric wheelchair would use a chassis like a Hoverboard, but with a massively upgraded engine and a gyroscopic balancing device. It would climb stairs by bouncing: The stair facing pushes the chair back and up. Before the chair lands the wheels resume their turn forward and the gyroscope leans forward enough for the chair to get a little higher bounce without tipping back. Repeat until the stairs have been climbed. Outboard motor optional.
Voice, Oct 21 2024

Gentlemen, start your gyroscopes! https://en.wikipedi...iki/Potemkin_Stairs
Field of glory for finalists [minoradjustments, Oct 22 2024]

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       //It would climb stairs by bouncing// I'll watch, from a safe dostance
pocmloc, Oct 21 2024

       This sounds profoundly uncomfortable to actually use, but funny.
5th Earth, Oct 21 2024

       Surviving handicapped wheelchair contestants are awarded a bowl of nice borscht at the top of the Primorsky Stairs.   

       Like my Viet Nam vet buddy said "There aren't too many handicapped parking spaces; there are not enough cripples."
minoradjustments, Oct 22 2024


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