Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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Heat-shrink finger-cot

Just the tip... just to see how it feels.
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Shit. I hit enter by accident without filling in the idea. Turns out there is no line return in the Summary section. Stay tuned.

So I went and sliced the tip off of my giving-the-bird finger. Got to see the bone for a few seconds before the blood welled up.

I needed to wear one of those finger-cots or condoms as my wife was catering Oktoberfest and there was lots more prep work to be done.

Well that was just not something I could bear the pain of to do again the next day.

So, introducing the heat-shrink finger cot. Designed to be kept in a cool environment, these water-proof one-size-fits-all condoms have been engineered to shrink at slightly less than human body temperature.

[link] for anyone not grossed out to see [2fries] giving you the Viking finger while grinnin and bearing it.

Tis but a flesh wound... https://www.faceboo...t=a.134349950745561
C'mon then! [2 fries shy of a happy meal, Sep 30 2024]

Cold shrink https://www.youtube...watch?v=-2WiFV3s5Q0
[bhumphrys, Oct 01 2024]


       Will the cot be stretched between 2 trees?
RayfordSteele, Sep 30 2024

       I suppose it could.   

       Meat slicer if anyone is wondering...   

       ...use the right tool for the job I always say.   


       Here's a trick the meat slicer companies don't want you to know: don't cut your fingers off when using a meat slicer.   

       You're welcome.   

       As for the idea, the user might burn their finger as well as almost cutting it off so enthusiastic bun. [+]   

       But seriously, be careful bro.
doctorremulac3, Sep 30 2024


       Must be a different use of the word "cot" than I'm familiar with.
RayfordSteele, Sep 30 2024

       I could have used this the other day when I forgot for a moment that the electric planer keeps spinning for quite some time after the power has been turned off.
bhumphrys, Oct 01 2024

       ..But polyolefin heat shrink needs about 80 degs C. We need _cold_ shrink [link].
bhumphrys, Oct 01 2024

       Be careful typing those Ks.
pertinax, Oct 01 2024


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