The head bangers keyboard is a revolutionary binary keyboard that uses a combination of timing and the binary equivalent ASCII charicter set.
You hit your head once on the the large key to start and the computer begins to play punk rock music. The object is to now head bang to the beat of the music
in order to type. You type in binary and bang your head on the keyboard for only the 1's and not the zero's for the zero's you simply air head bang.
You head bang the key board to start and the sexpistols anarchy in the UK begins to play so the object is to head bang on the keyboard in time with the lyrics. I have used 1's below to represent the head bang points in the lyrics broken up in 8 bits per byte in accordance with standard ASCII format with a : seperating each byte.
I am an antichrist, I am
an anarchist, Don't know what I
want But I know how to get it
I wanna destroy the passerby
Now if you want to type a four letter word you would look up the ascii equivalent. (no hints on what the word is sorry.) so in decimal the word I am thinking of according to ASCII is 70 85 67 75. Now your budding young anarchist will need to know the binary equivalent
OK Now we need to air bang on the zero's and headbang on the ones to type our word along with the music
happy head banging.