Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
h a l f b a k e r y
Not so much a thought experiment as a single neuron misfire.

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Half-baked beans

A bitesized portion that won't spoil your appetite between visits
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Just a weekly email archive of the latest half-baked ideas really for those who don't wish to browse but want to remain half-baked savvy.
nichpo, Jul 25 2003

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       can we jutta, can we ?
neilp, Jul 25 2003

       and I had such hopes for this title too.
po, Jul 25 2003

       me too
nichpo, Jul 25 2003

       <fart> Ahem </fart>
Tiger Lily, Jul 25 2003

       Finally! Steady work!
k_sra, Jul 29 2003


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