Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
h a l f b a k e r y
Replace "light" with "sausages" and this may work...

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HB Evernote Integration/Plugin

Should be doable....
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A simple plugin for the Evernote app which allows you to select 'Halfbake' from the 'new note type' dropdown. The note format will then be identical to the 'add idea' section of the Halfbakery. You add the title, summary, description, and category, and when the post is ready to post, you choose 'upload to Halfbakery' from the 'share' drop down menu. It is then posted, and you never have to even open a browser page.
21 Quest, May 21 2013

Evernote http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evernote
[calum, May 21 2013]


       Ha, this reminded me of Lotus Notes!
zen_tom, May 21 2013


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