Instead of reading 50 whole articles to get to your info it
realizes you wanted to know how many carbs in a regular apple.
It first clarifies with you what you are searching for (a single
number). It verifies which units you'll be looking for (grams).
It categorizes the results (sites that
reply per 100 g, sites that
give a table with choice of large small and medium, and attach
the weight of those in grams ) It then figures what else it needs
to know in order to give you a complete answer:
It finds out what kinds of apples exist? and what kind of apples
are sold in your area, so it can show you some choices and ask
you what kind of apple you ate?
Then it needs to find out what percentage of the apple is
eddible, and if you ate a whole fruit or only some slices?
Accordingly it will give you the number you were looking for.
Or if it can't it will set up a web page with the options so you
can easily refine your request and it can recalculate a result
closer to what you are seeking.