Some credit cards support generating virtual credit cards
for use on dodgy sites. I propose a new type of virtual
credit card for use on phishing and similar sites:
1) Identical name and zip to owner's real card (to
discourage abuse by users).
2) $0 limit, but possibly allows holds of more
than $0.
3) If a merchant tries to charge the card, the processing
fails and the merchant's reputation is penalized.
Such cards can be used in two ways:
1) If a telemarketer refuses to tell you who they are (or
you think they are lying, or if you just hate telemarketers),
pay with a fraud-report card and hurt their ability to
process payments.
2) If you encounter a phishing scam which asks for your
credit card, provide a fraud-report card.
What problem does this solve:
Reporting a fraudster properly requires effort; most people
are too lazy to bother. This provides a much easier
reporting mechanism (just paste in the card).