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Floating creek turbine

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Welp... I thought this up independently but I've been beaten to the punch again. [link]

We have a culvert running under a highway which must be four hundred feet long or so.
I want to create a floating Archimedes-screw turbine from lengths of PVC pipe, capped on either end, tethered to each other by U-joints with a contiguous screw running its entire length.
It won't hurt the fish fry.
It won't damage the ecosystem.
Completely green power generation from an un-utilized source.

(??) Hat's off to this guy. https://www.youtube...watch?v=ipY3raKytbw
[2 fries shy of a happy meal, Jun 16 2024]

What's the theoretical power output attainable from a given water flow rate? https://www.physics...-water-flow.564826/
[hippo, Jun 17 2024]

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       //what could be worsr//   

       Getting trorled about it.   

doctorremulac3, Jun 17 2024

       I looked to see if I had posted this already because I vaguely remember it but could find no evidence so I chalked it up to a Berenstein Bear effect and posted it again.   

       I know for a fact that, if I did post this in some other reality, I had never seen anyone ever having built one and linking to it making this posting Not-widely-known-to exist and exempt from deletion.   


       I rest my case you honour.   

       I find for the defendant. [+]
pertinax, Jun 17 2024

       [+] The U-joints sold me.
minoradjustments, Jun 17 2024

       I wonder how much power you'd be able to get from this - there's a discussion of this I saw (linked). Also you'd have to be careful that by slowing down the flow rate you don't cause the culvert to silt up.
hippo, Jun 17 2024

       The capped pipe was my first thought for a thin elongated floating tube.
The PVC pipes only come in certain lengths so, to join 400 ft. together while allowing for flexibility, U-joints were also my first thought.

       I hadn't considered slowing the current down but the culvert is from 1955 and is clean as a whistle.
It's tall enough to walk through, hunched-over, and it flows through my property to get there so I can collect anything which might prove problematic before it ever gets to the culvert.


       First link works for me. Not sure why its been flagged twice.   

       The only problem I can see is getting ratted out for daring to generate electricity in a completely green and sustainable manner which may effect the bottom line of certain entities bent on hooking and then soaking us for electricity.   

       When the winds are a-blowing,
and the creeks are a-flowing, when the rain is so thick that it drowns.
When the sun is a-shining,
when my hens are a-dining, when mother Earth herself makes her rounds.

       All can make power.
All can be stored,
I aim to snag all I can capture.
If I don't start it now,
then please tell me how,
I'm to get my dumb kin through the rapture?


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