Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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Invented by someone French.

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Flaming Dead Cat

Dead ASCII cat conversation stopper
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Online convention that rules all conversation must stop once a flaming thread receives a dead feline.
theleopard, Sep 04 2012

(?) Case in point: The_20Incredibly_20...Mixed_20Up_20Zombie
Dead cat => bounce. [theleopard, Sep 04 2012, last modified Sep 05 2012]

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       Here's the flaming version:   

       ................ .....................
..............s.. .s.......s.........s....
........s......s.. .s.......s......s.......
.........s....s... ..s.....s......s........
.........S...S.... S.....S......S...........
........../\---/\. .._,---._.....s.....
........./.^...^..\,'. ........`--..;.....
........(..x....x..) ............;\_.....
.........`.=M=__,' ............\. \...
.........../..... ..._,--.__....\I.I...
........../.._.)...,'. .`-..`-....\.I....
........./.,'../..,'... ...\..\..\..\.....
.......././../.,'....... ....(,_)(,_).....
.......(,;..(,,)......... ...............
..................... ...................
theleopard, Sep 05 2012

       I didn't think I'd like this. Now I'm quite sure.
blissmiss, Sep 05 2012

       If anyone desires an actual flaming dead* cat, we can arrange it so very, very easily … aand free of charge, too …   

       *(Cat may not actually be dead at time of delivery, but "flaming cat with extremely limited life expectancy" doesn't work as well iin the context of this idea, whatever the legal department says).
8th of 7, Sep 05 2012


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