Stepping on a scale seems pretty old fashioned. I'd like to see something that I could input my size, weight, height, etc into and get a voice telling me the following:
1. My weight
2. My healthy weight range.
3. What my current weight means like:
"Congratulations, you are in or near
your target weight area."
"Caution, you are slightly overweight." (or underweight)
"You're more than 10lbs past your target weight range, now would be a good time to diet."
"You're officially overweight by x amount of pounds and it should be noticable through clothing."
"You're officially obese and should seriously consider a doctor-approved diet for your health."
Maybe with some variations, a forture, and a joke of the day so its not so monotonous.
4. A history of my weight. So it would say something like:
"Your weekly average is x."
"This is what you weighed last year at this time."
"You havent been this heavy/thin since x/x/x"