========== THE EXISTING PROBLEM ==========
I notice online while watching videos such as on YouTube, or watching Trailers online via streaming on Yahoo, etc there are a number of inherent problems due to being "online exclusive videos"...this includes:
1. Not being able to seek skip ahead in the
video (YouTube finally does this -- but it is not consistently wide spread across other sites).
2. Can't go full-screen consistently (some Flash videos can though), such as when using QuickTime online via the web browser.
3. and many more problems...
============ PROPOSED SOLUTION ===========
I propose the idea of incorporating a plugin inside FireFox (sorry, no IE support!) that, when enabled, will detect the video that is running on a website you visit and automatically overlay a polished, univerally consistent skin ontop that existing web-specific player (regardless of thar original web player's type e.g., Flash video, Quicktime, RealPlayer, wmv) and provide new video functionality. Such features would include:
================ FEATURES ================
1. Seek skipping (forward/backwards) so as to skip by ads or move ahead to wherever you want (this feature would only work once the video has streamed enough onto your side in the background-- since sites normally stream in sequence and prevent skipping ads).
2. Chat with friends across different sites watching the same video at that moment (e.g. you watch a trailer in Quicktime on Apple's site while another person watches the same trailer inside a flash player on Yahoo's site and now you both can chat with each other about the video, regardless of the different sites u are both on).
3. Related videos list -- while watching your video it recommends other videos around the net that you can click and jump to, to watch (takes you to other site where the video exists before playing -- to keep things legal). Related videos are based on what other people have watched.
4. Create and share playlists of videos you find across the net. And browse a list of publically available video playlists others have made and shared e.g., someone makes a playlist of the "When Deadliest Animals Meet Stupid People" and that list when started jumps from site to site and each time starts playing the related video on that list (with potential user created comments throughout).
5. Save video to disk in a variety of available formats.
6. Full-screen playback or windowed playback so you can drag the video outside the browser and keep it on your desktop (has a "stay on top" feature.
7. Save video segments out to disk and/or email them (a link that when clicked will take you to that site and show the segment only).
8. Playback speed rate (slow down/speed up).
9. Save out audio clips you custom select.
10. Audio channel controls -- for those cases when the video has annoying audio hissing that u want filtered out.
11. Color controls (i.e., brightness, hue saturations, and contrast).