Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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For me and the other 3 or 4 people on Earth not interested in discussing religion.
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Probably should be under a "words" category, but to invoke the Eh-thiest prayer: "Eh, whatever.".

I'll add 2 fries variation with "Mehthodists are a branch sect of Ehthiesm."

I shall now decree that I DEMAND buns from all of you lest you receive the penalty of my leaving the Halfbakery forever and taking my balls with me!

(kidding, I don't give a shit)

doctorremulac3, Sep 23 2024

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apatheism [pocmloc, Sep 23 2024]


       hmmm, shouldn't that be Meh-theist.   

       Oh my friggin' ghod there's no way I missed that!   


       I'll save myself by saying "It's pronounced "Meh-thodist"   

       Okay, I'll be able to sleep tonight.
doctorremulac3, Sep 23 2024

       (re link:)   

       Outrageous! Only the Ehthiests are the true disbelievers! I declare I will totally disavow the Apatheists!   

       Not today obviously, maybe tomorrow. Next week for sure. Absolutely, positively sometime next year if time permits but if not, it's top of my priorities list.   

       I'll most likely look into probably considering evaluating plausibility of checking out the concept of scheduling a priority list review at some point for sure. 90% for sure anyway. Definitely WAAY above 50%. Not a chance it's below 20% but in double digits for sure. High single digits anyway.
doctorremulac3, Sep 23 2024

       The new Meth-odists I hear have problems with keeping their teeth...
RayfordSteele, Sep 24 2024


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