Remember those sarcastic jokes by single women as in, "Oh good, I'm
paid 75 cents on the dollar compared to an equivalent male. Thank
Heavens, my rent, food and groceries are all similarly discounted. Am
I right, girls?"
Well, so that income equality is addressed in this, the most just of
countries on Earth, all purchases must be made with a personalized,
government-regulated debit card. The agency best able to enforce
and administer this would be the IRS. All currency would be abolished
and any other medium of exchange for goods and services would be
outlawed (think of the possibilities for value added taxation!).
In each person's account, call it the IEEPP (Income Equality Equal
Pricing Program)the price set by the seller would be subject to a
multiplier (keep in mind that one can multiply by less than one to
grant a discount below market). If your income was so many times
over the average income, then so too would be the price you'd pay for
Naturally, sellers can not be permitted to profit from this windfall so
of course the payment amounts over unity would be paid into the
coffers of the IRS to subsidize those whose incomes are less than
average and any surplus to "the general welfare".
Of course, many escape considerable income taxation by being in
control of when and if they receive income or other loopholes. In that
case, the multiplier of a particular person's IEEPP account would be set
by an Alternative Minimum Equalizer Rate or AMER based upon the
wealth that the person controls or owns.
Now some anti-social elements may wish to depart the United States
for territory not operating under the IEEPP/AMER. A system of foreign
treaties applying the IEEPP to any American Citizen's expenditure in a
foreign country would prevent such scofflawry. Those attempting to
renounce their citizenship would be subject to an "exit tax" largely
confiscating their wealth.
Inequality problem solved as well as recovering revenue heretofore
lost to the underground economy.