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Disposable radiation suit

Instant protection from beta rays with this aluminum suit
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Greetings, it comes as no surprise to find that TEPCO, the Japanese company mismanaging the Fukushima nuclear power plant clean up is both not coping and lying to the public. First they had to come clean about pumping 300 tonnes of irradiated water into the sea everyday and these last few days have to admit that if you stand next to one of the thousands of irradiated water storage tanks you would be dead within two hours. Fortunately the workers there are quitting rapidly so we have no need to worry about their health. We can be further reassured by TEPCO informing us that the beta rays being emitted can be blocked by common or garden aluminum foil. Thus anyone who is traveling in the area, or indeed planning on attending the Olympics if they are held in Tokyo, would be able to take full advantage of all the beautiful scenery, secure in the knowledge that not only are they wearing an aluminum foil suit that can chucked away after one days`s use and replaced at a pittance. But also have in their bag an aluminum foil hood. Should the wind suddenly change direction and those rads shoot up one can quickly don this hood and carry on with whatever one pleases. So much more convenient than carrying a roll of aluminum with you to wrap around your extremities.
Buri, Sep 04 2013

Some nuclear site http://world-nuclea...What-is-radiation-/
Beta particles must be stopped! [the porpoise, Sep 04 2013]

Demron Suit http://www.radshiel...th=6&products_id=10
The closest thing to a radiation suit in real life. Note that it says it's for use evacuating from dirty bombs, not an actual nuclear event. [DIYMatt, Sep 04 2013]

"Warning" http://www.poemhunter.com/poem/warning/
How appropriate. [8th of 7, Sep 04 2013]

The Demon Core http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demon_core
" Each incident resulted in the acute radiation poisoning and subsequent death of a scientist." [8th of 7, Sep 05 2013]

Harry K. Daghlian, Jr. http://en.wikipedia...ry_K._Daghlian,_Jr.
Lest We Forget ... [8th of 7, Sep 05 2013]

Louis Slotin http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louis_Slotin
Lest We Forget ... [8th of 7, Sep 05 2013]

Cecil Kelley criticality accident http://en.wikipedia...riticality_accident
Kelley had received more than seven times the adult human lethal dose ... 35 hours following his initial exposure ... Cecil Kelley died of heart failure. [8th of 7, Sep 05 2013]

Neutron activation http://en.wikipedia.../Neutron_activation
[spidermother, Sep 07 2013]


       Baked. Almost all "radiation suits" are single use.   

       [suggested-for-deletion], Baked and Widely Known To Exist.   

       // irradiated water //   

       Sp. "contaminated water"   

       Irradiating ordinary water has very little effect on it. And it doesn't become dangerously radioactive.   

       // the beta rays being emitted can be blocked by common or garden aluminum foil. //   

       This is true. The danger is not directly from Beta radiation. The danger is from inhaling or ingesting Beta-emitting nuclides. A respirator is far more important than a suit; the suit just needs to stop the contamination from getting on your skin. And even then, simple washing is very effective at removing it.   

       // carrying a roll of aluminum with you //   

       Doesn't everyone ... ?
8th of 7, Sep 04 2013

       I only grab mine when my hat needs maintenance.   

       Are we sure it's beta radiation only?
RayfordSteele, Sep 04 2013

       Well they're lying again it seems because it apparently takes several mm of Al to stop beta particles [link]. That would make for a heavy suit and an expensive disposable one.
the porpoise, Sep 04 2013

       In general, paper will stop Alpha radiation, and aluminum foil or a heavy coat will stop Beta radiation. There isn't anything you can wear that will do a decent job of stopping Gamma radiation.   

       As [8th of 7] indicated, the main goal of a radiation suit is to prevent radioactive particles (like dust that contains atoms that are emitting Alpha, Beta or Gamma radiation) from becoming physically intimate with your body.   

       NONE of those three types of radiation are themselves ordinarily able to make something radioactive. It is the radioactive particles that are already emitting dangerous rays that you have to avoid; thus, again, the purpose of the radiation suit is to keep you isolated from those particles.   

       There is a fourth type of radiation, Neutron radiation, that is both very dangerous and very rare. Extremely few types of radioactive atoms release a neutron. (For example, Uranium-235 can, via "spontaneous fission".) Neutron radiation CAN make other things radioactive; that's what makes it dangerous.   

       But, generally speaking, you don't have to worry about Neutron radiation anywhere outside a functioning nuclear reactor core (and if you were in such a place, the Gamma radiation would probably kill you first). Staying away from such places is, of course, another definition of "isolation".
Vernon, Sep 04 2013

       //Are we sure it's beta radiation only?// No. They just measured 1.8Sv near the water tanks. That is a very significant amount of ionizing radiation and nothing wearable would help in the slightest. I also have to say [marked-for-deletion] bad science because aluminum foil will not stop Beta radiation. Several mm of aluminum sounds more likely and I know for a fact that Beta can pass through a thin piece of sheet steel. There are suits that can stop Alpha and Beta, which I linked, but they're made of thick rubber.
DIYMatt, Sep 04 2013

       You could always go for the 70's science fiction look and wear Perspex - a few mm stops beta more or less completely. On the downside, it does tend to create Brehmsstrahlung gamma radiation, though.
MaxwellBuchanan, Sep 04 2013

       // go for the 70's science fiction look and wear Perspex //   

       "When I am old, I shall wear Perspex ..."   


       // they're made of thick rubber //   

       Neoprene sheet, loaded with lead dust, bloody heavy and uncomfortable to wear.   

       Gold, now. Just as heavy, but more stylish. Nuclear bling, whatever next ?   

       // the Gamma radiation would probably kill you first //   

       THe thermal radiation would probably kill you first, if you didn't already succumb to being sumbmerged in very hot liquid coolant under extreme pressure.   

       // an expensive disposable one //   

       Expensive compared to what, exactly ? The cost of your medical treatment and subsequent funeral ?
8th of 7, Sep 04 2013

       //Expensive compared to what, exactly ?//   

       Er, a roll of aluminum foil?
the porpoise, Sep 04 2013

       But it has already been established (see above) that aluminium foil will only protect you from the CIA Brane Ray Machine, not Beta radiation ...
8th of 7, Sep 04 2013

       As for the radiation suit, it's beta than nothing. Well, someone had to say it.   

       //you would be dead within two hours.   

       I think that eventually panned out to be "four hours if you wanted a fatal dosage" but presumably it takes a lot longer than that to actually die, so bit of misleading claims.   

       NB might be back in that neck of the woods in three weeks or so. Just read my posts through lead glass and you should be ok.
not_morrison_rm, Sep 05 2013

       // Well, someone had to say it. //   

       Perhaps. But it places you in the same category as, for instance, someone who says, "Oooh, let's annex Austria, and the Sudetenland ... and then maybe invade Poland ?"   

       // it takes a lot longer than that to actually die //   

       Unfortunately, yes. Quite a lot longer. But death does inevitably occur, and the interval between exposure and demise is extremely unpleasant for the victim.   

8th of 7, Sep 05 2013

       //exposure and demise is extremely unpleasant for the victim   

       Er..is there any kind of physical ailment that gives the victim a wonderful couple of weeks, possibly in the Dordogne?
not_morrison_rm, Sep 06 2013

       A prolonged moderate overdose of opiates ?
8th of 7, Sep 06 2013

       //moderate overdose of opiates   

       Well that would certainly explain some of either your or my posts. It only remains to work out which one of us....
not_morrison_rm, Sep 06 2013

       Interestingly, aluminium is one of the substances rendered radioactive by exposure to neutron radiation (but water is not). In fact, "One way to demonstrate that nuclear fusion has occurred inside a fusor device is to use a Geiger counter to measure the radioactivity that is produced from a sheet of aluminum foil." [Link]
spidermother, Sep 07 2013


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