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Day Change

Change the names of the days of the week
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I propose new names for the days of the week. "Why?", I hear you ask. Well have you ever thought why the days of the week are called what they are? The names came from Latin translations of the planets/sun/moon:

Sunday - Solis (Sun) Monday - Lunae (Moon) Tuesday - Martis (Mars) Wednesday - Mercurii (Mercury) Thursday - Jovis (Jupiter) Friday - Veneris (Venus) Saturday - Saturni (Saturn)

This is all well and good, but why? They don't seem to have any relation if you ask me. It's not as if the Sun comes round only every Sunday......I wouldn't mind if it had some sort of order (alphabetical), but it doesn't!

More suitable names should be found to reflect the world of today! For example, Monday could now be called "Dullday", after all nobody likes a the first day back to work. Friday could be called "Pubday". Saturday -> "relaxday". Sunday -> "relaxagainday"....I think you get my drift.

silverstormer, Jan 10 2003

Weekday Names http://mistupid.com/holidays/weekdays.htm
A slightly different explanation of the origin of the names of the days of the week in English. What you do with that information is up to you. [jurist, Oct 04 2004, last modified Oct 05 2004]

we did this with months... http://www.halfbake...h_20naming_20months
[po, Oct 04 2004, last modified Oct 05 2004]


       Conversly you could try and brighten everyones week up by renaming Monday Super-extra-power-getting-stuff-done-day.   

       I thought Thursday was from 'Thor's day'. Oh well we live and learn.
Zircon, Jan 10 2003

       Thursday is actually from 'Thor's Day'. I just found out the Romans mucked about with some of the days, because of their Gods. Tuh! Even more confusing and more reason for a change.
silverstormer, Jan 10 2003

       Yeah, so Thor was a viking Deity, I think most of the other planets were named after roman/greek gods. sortof a day for each major god. The sun god being the most important, presumably that's why sunday was adapted as the christian holy day. Thankyou [silverstormer] you've made me think.
Zircon, Jan 10 2003

       Hmm... well, I'm confused.   

       Maybe the idea needs a little more attention to entomology, seeing as etymology doesn't seem to be its strength.
rowlycat, Jan 10 2003

       Actually Wednesday is named after the Viking god king Odin. It comes from the German translation of Odin, Woden and thus Woden's day or Wednesday. Friday is named after the Viking goddess Frija. (Probably incorrect spelling) I think that we'd have to be careful about the new names so that they don't sound to cheesy.
talen, Jan 10 2003

       Instead of Wednesday how about Wenslydale-day.
talen, Jan 10 2003

       //Maybe the idea needs a little more attention to entomology//   

       What the hell has this got to do with insects? You've confused me, that really bugs me!
silverstormer, Jan 10 2003

       Cheeseday is good! Would it be mandatory to eat it though....If you ask me, nobody eats enough cheese these days. Mmmmmm......
silverstormer, Jan 10 2003

       <id name="prototype-day">   


       int dayOfWeek = 0; dayOfWeek < dayNames.length; ++dayOfWeek, ++calendarDay   


       Well... at least I think it’s funny.
Shz, Jan 10 2003

       Yay! – Programmers with humor in the crowd (I saw that [silver] – good one).
Shz, Jan 10 2003

       Have to have a fridge near by, Wenslydale sweats like hell if you don't keep it cold.
talen, Jan 10 2003

       Or is there a mouse which is trying to frame your cat?
talen, Jan 10 2003

       Pity how everyone steers clear of naming things after Uranus.
X2Entendre, Jan 10 2003

       obligatory W&G comment: 'What's wrong with Wensleydale?'
RayfordSteele, Jan 13 2003


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