Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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Cough Condom

A medicated condom to ease an inflamed sore throat
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Really just a cough syrup impregnated latex condom to help ease a sore throat, clear the sinuses and bring up alll that nasty phlegm.

With the right advertising campaign it should be a hit.

May not appeal to heterosexual men with sore throats.

Captain_Ignorant, Feb 24 2004

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       Isn't that a bit of a stretch?
Ander, Feb 24 2004

       Honey, it's not what it looks like!
thumbwax, Feb 24 2004

       It's worse.   

       Gag. (-)
k_sra, Feb 24 2004

       This idea sucks.
zigness, Feb 24 2004

       Will not appeal to heterosexual men with sore throats.
yabba do yabba dabba, Feb 24 2004

       Or women. period.
k_sra, Feb 24 2004

       Is somebody suffering from the old "Not tonight honey, I have a sore throat" excuse? or are you worried that willie might catch a cold...   

       Actually, I believe this idea has been baked under the trade name of "Tongue Depressor" the exact nature of the invention is a little bit different though.
ye_river_xiv, Jul 11 2006

       that user account is older than yours.
po, Jul 14 2006

benfrost, Jul 15 2006


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