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Computer Mouse That Changes Hand Angles

Fights repetitive strain injury.
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Motors change the grip and how the hand holds it.

It's flat in position one, then when you get up to do something else it automatically changes to a verticle position. Next break, it's in an elevated position, they a tilt one way, then another.

You can adjust how often and when it changes configuration, but it mitigates repetitive motion injuries by having your hand and wrist constantly changing position.

Could have a simpler version where you change it manually as well, be a lot cheaper.

doctorremulac3, Jul 03 2024


       Cool link, thanks a1.   

       Here's an idea, how about it being made up of compartments inflated with either liquid or air to reconfigure the shape. Made of stretchable rubber so you wouldn't have all those gaps and crevices.
doctorremulac3, Jul 04 2024

       Thanks a1, I'll put that on the list of approximately 200 prototypes I need to build on my crazy idea list.   

       If I build these I'll send you the first one off the assembly line to check out.
doctorremulac3, Jul 04 2024

       Gotta be honest, not sure I'd buy one of these either. Well, maybe. Have to play around with it I guess.
doctorremulac3, Jul 04 2024

       I got RSI from mouse usage so switched to using the mouse in my other hand. It takes about two days to become totally comfortable with using the mouse in your other hand (with mouse buttons reversed in the settings). Nearly 30 years later I still use the mouse in my non-dominant hand.
hippo, Jul 04 2024

       Boy, you're talking some skill there. I have two mice... do you call them mice? WTF? Sorry, got distracted, but when my hand gets sore with horizontal one I go to the vertical one.
doctorremulac3, Jul 04 2024


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