Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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Combination printer/shredder

Makes a hard copy and immediately shreds it
  (+6, -1)
(+6, -1)
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Instead of scanner/fax printer. For those who are worried about losing digital copies of douments, but are more worried about someone going through their rubbish looking for personal information. Could be connected directly to a hamster cage.
harperolocito, Sep 21 2007

Thinkgeek: Shrinter http://www.thinkgee...irpa/shrinter.shtml
April Fools 2003 [jutta, Sep 21 2007]

Something like this idea... Zen_20copier
[hippo, Sep 25 2007]

...combined with this idea. Rodent-based_20shredder
[hippo, Sep 25 2007]

Hamster powered shredder http://www.tomballh...amstershredder.html
[bleh, Sep 25 2007]

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       I would not mind one of these - my shredder is near my printer- they share a power outlet and make a handsome couple. I don't know if they have any plans for the future....
the dog's breakfast, Sep 21 2007

       An indiscriminatory fax/shredder would be useful for those who receive only junk faxes.
Srimech, Sep 21 2007

k_sra, Sep 24 2007

       This is one of worst ideas I've ever seen.   

       So is the idea to keep the shredded documents to later re-assemble them if needed? And would the digital copy be deleted?
BJS, Sep 24 2007

       //Makes a hard copy and immediately shreds it//   

       //This is one of worst ideas I've ever seen//   

       And what do the hamsters do? As for my vote...[=neutral=]
evilpenguin, Sep 25 2007

       would be good for promoting speed reading, if nothing else.....Also imagines hamster tunnelling through mountains of shredded drivel. (duoments sp [harperolcito] )
xenzag, Sep 25 2007

       would be good for promoting speed reading, if nothing else.....Also imagines hamster tunnelling through mountains of shredded drivel. (duoments sp [harperolcito] )
xenzag, Sep 25 2007

       somebody give [xenzag] a good smack, he's on loop again. ; )
k_sra, Sep 25 2007

       oooooooooppppppppps deleted one...
oooooooooppppppppps deleted one...
oooooooooppppppppps deleted one... gets caught in mobius time warp, loop record, with needle stuck in groove :-)
xenzag, Sep 25 2007


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