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Church Of Windscreens

aka Holy See better
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Many people like to decorate their vehicles in various ways. These include figurines that hang form the rearview mirror (such as furry dice for some reason). Driving is a serious business and fraught with potential fatal accidents so some people like to have religious artifacts in their cars. Church Of Windscreens extends this idea by converting the windscreen wipers into a variety of religious symbols.

The conversions are discrete add-ons that attach easily to the wiper blade ends. Once in place, the wiper tips will feature a pair of crucifixes for Christianity; outline hands for Jainism; Stars of David for Judaism; Crescents and Stars for Islamism, etc. Even Pagans have a symbol that they can choose to add. For extreme believers, holy water can be used to supplement the usual windscreen wiper cleaning fluid.

Now as you drive along in the rain, your chosen religious symbol will repeatedly traverse the windscreen right in front of you, reminding you of your mortality and that of other road users.

Deluxe version features a timed religious mantra delivered in synch with the movement of the wipers, using a voice of your choosing. Record your own mantra or select one from the extensive list such as: “Out Demons Out”, “Om Mani Padme Hum”, “Alluhu Akbar” and of course “Hail Mary Full of Grace”.

xenzag, Sep 30 2024

My blatant ripoff of this idea. https://shutupandta...nger-car-wipertags/
Already been done. Oh well. [doctorremulac3, Sep 30 2024]


       Was gonna post my blatant ripoff of this idea but it's been very well baked.   

       Oh well.
doctorremulac3, Sep 30 2024

       I'm inclined not to see a multi component religious conversion of a windscreen as the same thing as a novelty rear view gesture, but won't keep if the jury decides it should go.
xenzag, Sep 30 2024

       There's no comparison, my idea was baked, not yours. Just being chatty. I never have and never will [MFD].   

       Here's a bun to quell the hate. [+]
doctorremulac3, Sep 30 2024


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