Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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Chipped ice cream

seperate ice cream
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This ice cream packaging method would involve freezing it into scoop-sized pieces and maintaining a very low temperature from factory to store. Ice cream could just be picked up out of the package instead of needing scoops. In addition it would look like there's more in the package and would provide instant proof against it having ever melted.

Sold, needless to say, at a premium.

Voice, Apr 14 2016

Dippin' Dots https://en.wikipedi...wiki/Dippin%27_Dots
"The ice-cream of the future" - invented 1988 [Loris, Oct 12 2021]

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       This could also prevent a lot of unnecessary domestic self-inflicted injuries, unjustified accusations of having in some way planned and/or formented same, expensive clean-ups, and very protracted waits to be seen by a medic in the Emergency Room who looks like she should actually still be in primary school, or if not that, at least have a note from a parent saying it's OK for her to be out that late.
8th of 7, Apr 14 2016

       // accusations of having in some way planned and/or formented same//   

       [8th] The tone of your recent comments would appear to suggest that you are actually in some kind of relationship with what many people might infer to be a woman. Yet the counter-evidence is overwhelming, and it seems highly improbable. I am, in short and without further hitherto, befuddled and empuzzled.   

       And while we're here, I should perhaps tell you that the very last place you want to be in the event of an accident or injury is an Emergency Room. The very name of the place is the clue - these are people who make their living from Emergencies, and one cannot therefore help but conclude that resolving your exsanguination problems is not in their own vested interests.
MaxwellBuchanan, Apr 14 2016

       // resolving your exsanguination problems is not in their own vested interests. //   

       They're certainly not very helpful at all when it comes to getting marks off very expensive leather seats. Their lack of concern is downright distressing, and leads us to question what other people pay their taxes for.   

       As to your state of befuzzlement, "Her Majesty's Government can neither confirm nor deny ..."
8th of 7, Apr 14 2016

       I would buy this. [+]   

       Prior art: Dippin' Dots.
notexactly, Apr 15 2016

       Clearly what's needed here is an automated slicer-dicer that mounts the ice-cream box on 3-axis gymbals.   

       Or a CNC that machines off perfectly-formed ice cream scoop shapes, leaving the offal for the lower classes to survive on, with their muffin-stumps and day-old bread.
RayfordSteele, Apr 15 2016

       // This could also prevent a lot of unnecessary domestic self- inflicted injuries //   

       Alternately one could merely nuke the ice cream into creamy smoothness, upend the carton and painlessly drink the entire thing. No spoons, knives, explosives or bandages necessary.
whatrock, Apr 15 2016

       // No spoons, knives, explosives or bandages necessary.///   

Voice, Oct 12 2021


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